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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. She hardly ran the country and besides she retired. Reason she wants to push gun control is because her husband was killed by a crazy person with a gun, on the Long Island Railroad. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carolyn_McCarthy
  2. Its this type of thinking that has fostered the division. Grow up and start using your head.
  3. I get on the highway and all I see is construction EVERYWHERE. Our economy is finally coming round. If you choose to keep to the beat of the old drum, have at it. I'm choosing to look toward improvement for our country.
  4. This attitude will get us no where. Until we are ready to elect people that are willing to work together we will get no where. The recent mind set of the right is a cancer and it needs to be gotten rid of before it brings us all down.
  5. The Republican Party is dying out, literally. Hopefully the new crop will be of the mind that it benefits everyone if we work together instead of this my way or the highway attitude. IMO, that is what is dividing our country.
  6. Well I guess since the right thinks that Obama is the great divider and of course is a Muslim, that must mean the economy is doing better. They have to have SOMETHING to crucify Obama about so I guess pushing him as a Muslim works.
  7. Fear? I will never live to have fear in my everyday life. Ever. Heading to Florida, life is good. Give thanks for the good things in life.
  8. Thank you for providing this forum. Good, bad and ugly.........happy holidays my friend. I hope you and yours have a happy, loving holiday.
  9. Thank you sweet lady. I hope you and your family have a great day.
  10. My dog has a better sense of humor. Night.
  11. I don't drool over men, well except David Beckham. Now, if you want to talk about him.........
  12. Maybe someone will post it and it will refresh your ..........memory.
  13. Nah, I bet you just really, really like that picture of him on horseback huh?
  14. Here: http://www.ehow.com/how_4762213_clean-baked-enamel-stove-tops.html Also, try Pinterest. That site will tell you how to do anything. If you want the big guns get some Mr. Muscle at Amazon. That stuff did real well for my neglected oven. Good luck. P.S. Get good rubber gloves. That stuff will take the skin off your hands.
  15. They have heavy duty cleaners made for stove tops. Home Depot.
  16. Not everything is about you. Of course you think it is, but it's not. Not really. I have things I need to get done. Have a good day.
  17. Bat sheeze crazy liars. Oh well.
  18. I disagree. I wonder if your politics will even allow you to open your mind.
  19. LPPT, thank you. Your position has been spot on with this subject.
  20. What "previous caliphates?" Like who?
  21. No. Not available. Have a good evening.
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