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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. First off, I do apologize for COMPLETLY dumping on your thread, last night was no fun at all but I really should not have posted my problems in your thread. Secondly, thank you for you sympathy about Rocky. Yup, it sucked but he was a large 11 year old German Shepard and if you are familiar with the breed.....11 is pretty old. He was a great dog and had a great life and I think I owned it to him to know when to say goodbye. Now.....onto better things. I am up for a craft time to make voodoo dolls...that sounds like fun. Let me ask ya, who would be your voodoo doll? Pray tell.
  2. It's just cause it's my second pity party on this or else I would not have posted. But then again I did highjack FBBC thread....so I guess there is a plus. Yo FBBC..... Yall have a good night.
  3. Nope, not my style........I may be abrasive but I ain't cheap. So.....do we share credit on completely high jacking this thread? Just wondering.
  4. I'm sorry Tow and family....lot of heartless trash live out here.
  5. And thats exactly what you should be doing.
  6. Oh yeah? Well I'll tell you what you little a bit OVERSIZED (yeah right whatever) Delta Queen you just bring it! Why.....I could take you with one arm behind my back!
  7. Oh yeah? Well guess what? I have been one crazy biatch for longer than you have soooooo I am better at it..... I am just in the mood...come on with your BAD SELF! P.S. I am putting my beloved Rocky down tomorrow and my heart is very heavy so it just might make me feel better to have a little bit of he said she said.
  8. Well then it seems to me that you should keep him cause you and him are a purrrrrfect match.
  9. Oh THANK GOODNESS you found him safe and sound!
  10. Towtotopgun had a post about a missing dog in the cafe. Maybe you can call him and find out if its his dog. His # is in the post.
  11. Ankle biters? Oh, you must mean my rather snide remark in that other thread. I like small dogs. What I don't like is that I hear from their owners how difficult they are to train all the time and having a dog that refuses to be housebroken is a real PITA. JMHO
  12. You are not even close to being a big girl on the road girlie girl. Besides it's a Chevy.
  13. I'm so glad you are feeling better. Call us if you need help with anything.
  14. I'm glad they are both home, safe and sound.
  15. RNG, hope it's over before you know it. Guard Dad, your Mom will be in my thoughts.
  16. I didn't ask if I should be surprised (I wasn't) but I did wonder what they were and how they got there.
  17. My hand to God, this is a true story. I was sitting at my desk one day eating a choclate bar with almonds and to my horror a worm crawled out of the almond in front of my eyes. Never went back to the candy store in that office building again. Hope that story made you feel better.
  18. I bet if we knew all that we really ingest we would all be like.....
  19. For real? Gosh, that sounds like the cure is worse than the disease. I think FBBC posted the most reasonable answer (how that happened, I'm not sure .) I guess they just kind of "spore" in our dry goods. IDK. I would be willing to try the bay leaf technique.
  20. Aha.....so do you know for sure what they are?
  21. The cracker crumbs incident was not the first time I've found these creatures. BTW, you would throw your sister under the bus.
  22. It was a paper tube with a metal bottom and a tupperware style lid that had been opened up. As far as how long...I've found stuff in there from 1998.
  23. OK, I give. Made crab cakes last night, went into the pantry to get some cracker crumbs, opened the container and sure enough...............there are bugs, or something that looks like bugs in the dag gum cracker crumbs! Seeing that this was pretty much a sealed container I'm thinking they must be coming from inside but don't really know since I really don't know what it is. Anyone? Whats your take? Is there anything you can do to keep this stuff from ruining the dry goods that you have in your pantry?
  24. One of my sister's b'day is April 16th.
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