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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Funny. Yet another one. Oceans of joy! :rolleyes:
  2. So you think it's OK to overcharge Black and Latinos? Somehow you think that's right? Why? Were they a higher risk? BOA should charge more for these people even through they were made whole in the event the borrowers defaulted?
  3. LGM, your son is the sweetest looking little boy. Now, THAT is a cute little kid. That first picture is just tooooo much. Your daughter has beautiful eyes. Merry Christmas!
  4. Thanks for your good wishes. I hope you and yours have a happy, shared and very merry Christmas.
  5. We do the same thing. My hubs favorite. It is seriously good and sooooooo bad, at the same time.
  6. I LOVE Uncle Bubbas. I had the best shrimp there. So tender and tasty. Their deserts ROCK! Sorry you didn't enjoy it but to compare it to captain ds.....that's just wrong. When we went we had the best time ever. I would highly recommend Uncle Bubbas!
  7. I agree. BUT it is ugly, uncomfortable and you might as well be on a scooter as far as safety. I'll take my big, ole American truck.
  8. See, that's the thing, when you need the power, well, you need the power. You get on mountain roads pulling a gooseneck, trust me, you're really glad to have the extra Power. I really don't like it when the trailer is pushing the truck.
  9. Nah...I like my idea better. I have a truck for towing. Sorry, but you can't pull squat with that tonka truck.
  10. Tell you what, let's get a cable and put one end on your rice burner and tie the other end to my Ford F250.....we will see who will win that battle.
  11. I didn't notice the post. Anyway, I'm glad that it was fun and that there was a good turnout!
  12. That's great. I guess there is a pipeline to the library I don't know about. I should get out more.
  13. You know, it seems to me that this should be a warmly received invitation. It's free, there's food, kids around. Sounds like a plan to me. Library girl, was there a good turnout? Do you need volunteers in the future? I always loved my local library as a kid.
  14. That's great! I am sure you are over the moon to have her home for the holidays!
  15. You should do that stuff anyway...it's good for your heart. I got my toes done and Solo got her nails done....but the thread had nothing to do with us going. Truth is, I was gonna need a blacksmith if I didn't go soon. You tend to forget when the sandals get put in the closet.
  16. Vanity plates play the same way. I think $5.00 of the $35.00 fee goes to the cause. Gee, that's great.
  17. Ahhhhhhh.....kinda like the rock I've been campaigning for? For like 15 years? And when I say rock, I mean ROCK. I keep repeating over and over again "but babe, it's an investment"
  18. Did you get the big one? If you did, dude you're good for a year.
  19. Tabby, Pubby has a valid point. Luggage doors SHOULD be safe. When I was a kid in NY, water balloons off a high rise were pretty lethal.
  20. Do we really need the capability? It's just gone to crazy! Really, do you need to be in touch 24/7, every second of the day? Why?
  21. Heard on the news there will be a real good shooting star opportunity tonight. I'm sure you can find more info via google.
  22. Last week I was on 120 going towards Dallas and not one but two cars crossed the double line and came into my lane. I could see that they had their phones in their hands. People, do you not know how dangerous this is? Your bad decision could ruin your life as well as mine. For a freaking phone call? Really?
  23. I don't know enough people taking these drugs so I can't be specific about how someone changed while taking these drugs long term. Stands to reason because some people get very unsettled while on these drugs. I can't imagine the wear and tear on your nervous system.
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