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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I just want to tell every one that I am honored that my very best friend is coming with me today to the Meadows. She is the most wonderful person I have ever meet. She has brought smiles and laughter to my life. There is no better friend...Thank You Solo :wub: :wub:
  2. That woman is meaner than cat poop. Don't ya know?
  3. Hey, 70 is the new 50. You didn't see that report?
  4. K....I'll look for you. I'll be the large breasted, incredible fit, 70 something in the 6 inch heels.
  5. K, just making sure NY didn't make a hard right turn towards OK. I'm so glad to see you posting again.
  6. Yutes? What cha know from Yutes?
  7. Yeah Lumak! Me and Solo were watching Hunger Games and were distracted at the end too! Just thanks a lot!
  8. I know lady. Maybe I'll see you at the fair?
  9. Well, I gave you a hard time about the iPad thing because, as many can attest to, I've done it countless times. I would like nothing more than to met you......I like kind people. So....who wants to met at Paulding Meadows? Sit down with a turkey leg and chat?
  10. I'm sorry for ya! You strike me as a woman who will make the best of it. I wish you the best of luck but, at the same time, I bet your trip won't be spoiled because of this bump. Let us know how your trip went k?
  11. Lumak posting again! Yea! Good to see ya.
  12. We don't need more rental homes. Guess what? You go outside of Paulding county and people have lots and lots of money. Those are the people investing in homes in this county. Of course, they are into the investment of the property. These are people who will not be involved in the community. I can't help but think that's not a good thing. Greed was large and I bet, other than local politicians, I bet they don't have anything to do with this county. It's disconnected with the local community and, at least as I can see, can't be a good thing. I really do want good things for Paulding c
  13. Girlfriend, you on your iPad?
  14. Thank you for your response. Truly, I am just trying to understand others viewpoint on politics. I think we have got to address healthcare and we need to do it now. Big numbers equal really good rates, makes sense to me. I love you too you blondie blond. Really, you love and take very good care of your critters and I love that in a person. Truly. You ever need a backup, you just let me know. I can call the spaghetti factory in New York. See? Girls do this sooooo much better than boys. Don't ca think?
  15. Why do you think that Obama is a socialist? Seriously, why do you think that way? Because the mess he walked into demanded big, quick money be pumped into the system and he took the governments money (our money) and tried to put it into putting people to work. Did that make him a socialist? I really am just trying to understand.
  16. OK since you know everything under the sun, you tell me.....who else had that kind of money?
  17. So the left can't understand that business owners make more than the workers do? Really? Not true. Of course they make more money and they should make more money. Where are you getting this concept? It takes money to make money....that's the way it's been for ever and that's a fact that is understood. Where you coming from with this? I'm confused. Unless, of course you saying that Obama is a communist/socialist. I hear that a lot from right leaning extremists. No foundation of course but I do hear that a lot. Listen, this country was in a hole and very very few had the mo
  18. Free enterprise had nothing to do with my experience with them. Trust me on this.
  19. Sorry about that. What I MEANT to say was this: You would have to hold a gun to my head to get me to EVER walk through their doors again.
  20. You would have to hold agin tomy head to get me to EVERwalk through their doors again.
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