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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. All I need to know is do the dogs have a snap?
  2. That's funny, I don't either. This is what I remember.
  3. No words. Just good wishes for your family Blondie.
  4. I was asking a question. I thought they worked hand and hand for the benefit of the school.
  5. The thing is....the school realized benefits from the booster club. Yes?
  6. The falcons really mowed them down. Husband could not believe how well they played. Congrats Falcons!
  7. I've lived out here for 16 years and I've seen that intersection go from no problem to avoid at all costs during rush hour........at all costs. It is ok coming from 27 that road is reasonable. I tried to get an electrician to work, he told me he is so busy with new builds, he couldn't come out. .
  8. You get what you give and the game show host has given us plenty.
  9. Responding to his critics? Right now he is displaying his lack of self control and schoolyard bully mentality.
  10. Are you paying attention to trump? Do you think he is being unifying and non inflammatory?
  11. Ahhhhhhh, another contributor opinion piece NOT backed by Forbes. In fact the following disclaimer appears: Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own..... Is the information true and correct? I don't know for sure. I just wish that the proposed head of our healthcare programs had more sense than to even be involved in something as questionable as this.
  12. Further questionable facts about this ethics question...... Additionally, Zimmerman Bionets PAC made donations of $1,000.00 to Price's reelection campaign both before and after the introduction of the bill. If it looks like a duck.......
  13. First off it's not "fake news" it happened as it was reported. Your take on it is just spin. Second, I cannot find where CNN said it was illegal. They reported the facts and left the conclusion to the reader. Third, the fact that you refuse to hold Price guilty of allowing his character and motives to be questioned says a lot about your obvious partisan politics.
  14. Found this..... http://patch.com/georgia/dallas-hiram/gas-leak-shuts-down-hiram-sudie-road?utm_source=alert-breakingnews&utm_medium=email&utm_term=police%20%26%20fire&utm_campaign=alert
  15. I never understood the judgement call on this issue. You can't control what others do and because tax dollars are spent still doesn't mean you can control other people. Worry about what you can do and don't worry about what is not in your control nor really any of your business. You are in control of you so you worry about you doing the right thing.
  16. Me either, so I looked it up. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bolt–hole
  17. I think att uses yahoo. This should be a great nightmare.
  18. That's a good idea.....found this, http://www.amofficesupply.com/?s=Storage+Lockers
  19. Yup......guess that's how much attention I pay to McDonalds huh?
  20. Like it's spelled. MacDonalds.....except I eat a cheese quarter pounder once or twice a year. I don't dig mass produced foods of any kind. It just doesn't seem good for you. Or your kids people.
  21. Good. Saw where it was going to hit 70 on Thursday.
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