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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. As we look at the situation now, I agree it is insane. I wonder what abuses were perpetrated by property owners to warrant these laws.
  2. I don't care about her story. I really don't care about her ability to pay 50,000 towards her weight loss and plastic surgery to fix a condition she brought upon herself.
  3. I loaded several books on my kindle, just in case.
  4. I'm not sure but I think many states have the same type of laws. My neice is in NY and the hoops she had to jump through were pretty unbelievable. ALL of the burden was on the property owner.
  5. Oh was that a joke? Sorry, it's been so long since I saw one of those around here, I didn't recognize it.
  6. That is a partisan fantasy with no bearing on truth whatsoever. I think the OP was talking about reality. Your statement has nothing to do with reality. No one really thinks that way.
  7. That is exactly right. Heard about all the court dates my neice went through first hand to no avail. I'm thinking you have to do your due diligence, including credit and background checks if you let someone in your home. You just have to. I hate that our society has come to this state of mind that no good deed goes unpunished.
  8. My niece just wrapped up a 10 month nightmare with a non paying, mentally ill, lying pig of a tenant. Once they were able to get her out of the apartment they found out she had like 17 cats. Left behind a filthy, disgusting mess that required an exterminator and close to a hasmat (so) suit to get it cleaned up.
  9. Last I heard on this area was that they were going to put in a round about at that 4 way stop. Seem to remember a sign saying Exxon.
  10. Thanks Brian. I could not find it on any of the sheriffs websites either.
  11. Lady Raider, can you provide a link......I've tried to clear up the print but I just can't read it. Thanks.
  12. If it's fake, ABC should pay for the damages. I didnt pay much attention cause I never buy "ground beef." It's either a piece of chuck which I grind myself or it's ground chuck.
  13. Well, I guess miracles do happen, we still have direct tv......it's calmed down outside. I'm sure there's another round coming through. Hope everyone's good.
  14. I'm thinking, and hoping, it's going 'round us here. Lots of thunder and lightening activity in the distance though. Stay safe.
  15. Great big rain drops, lots of lightning and strong wind. Now I have a evil cat and a GSD clinging to me. Waiting for direct tv to go out.
  16. Here in Yorkville, strong, strong wind........so far so good. If I can just peel this German shepherd off of me, I'll be fine.
  17. I was wondering about that too. Are you sure you didn't post in that group?
  18. If you have a point based on this 176 page report, let us know.
  19. FYI, http://patch.com/georgia/dallas-hiram/15-year-old-peeping-tom-arrested-hiram-high
  20. What does being a liberal have to do with it? Personally, I really don't think that peeping Tom activities by a teenage boy is a sure sign of a future rapist. What really bothers me is that the kid showed disrespect and disregard for females and the repercussions of his actions.
  21. Prove it. This is a teenage boy prank. What's sad is that he didn't realize the consequences.
  22. Yup, that's pretty much it. But I do enjoy seeing them.
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