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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Just glad we got two cords of wood. The main room we hang out in has three walls of windows and it's impossible to bear without a roaring fire!
  2. 2016 has claimed another one. I guess stranger things have happened. RIP
  3. 2016 can't get over quick enough! RIP.
  4. I rely heavily on our pet sitter so this story kind of made me a bit crazy. It helps that she sends pictures while we are gone, it also helps that a neighbor, who hasn't much to do, confirms how many times a day the car goes down the road. I feel bad enough leaving them and I really appreciate that I've grown to trust her. This abuser is very clearly a very sick woman. For her own sake, I hope she gets better and realizes that she cannot be trusted with any living being that depends on her to live. I bet most folks don't realize how many folks are like that.
  5. I'm sure she meant to post in the dog sitter/abuse thread.
  6. Just saw that on the news. It seemed kind of crazy that he wasn't arrested before this. This article confirms several points I had not heard on the news. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/claud-tex-mciver-atlanta-attorney-who-says-he-accidentally-shot-wife-was-indicted-in-1990-gun-crime/
  7. Thumbs up.......way up. I'm surprised you didn't feel some kind of difference with your breathing. Best of luck and good wishes!
  8. Don't worry about it, you have lots of company.
  9. I heard that on the news. She was a character!
  10. Hope and good healing wishes being sent!
  11. That's great! I know all of you are so relieved and happy!
  12. I just got back from there. Heard that the president of Kroger was there along with a bunch of Kroger suits. But I agree, it was NUTS.
  13. It's funny, I've been wondering how she is. I'm sorry to hear of her loss.
  14. To the OP, well that sucks. Please take comfort in the fact that you did the right thing. Really.
  15. Maybe he got one for a gift and is looking for its cash value instead.
  16. Little Alley Stakehouse. Food is great but it is pricey. Look it up first and see if it suits you. Also, go to trip advisor.com, they will let you all about the restaurants in Roswell. Enjoy!
  17. Here ya go, looks like it's both, you walk through the city but take a wagon through the rest. https://www.facebook.com/legacybethlehem/?nav=p-700255&clickpath=bethlehem&wildcard=/
  18. Well, there's no picture so I'll just offer this. If it were me and this kitty grabbed at me I would take him/her in till I could find a decent home. If you're interested in getting the kitty fixed, I'll help with that. Good luck. Just let me know about the fixing and I'll make it happen. It's tough when folks just let their animals roam. Believe me, I've had more than my fair share. They are my weakness. Just like I bet they are yours as well.
  19. That's a good idea. Too bad that anyone has to go that route but it is what it is I guess.
  20. You have an 8 foot deep burn hole? Why? Just curious.
  21. I made this. South Beach Diet Book......not following the plan but the recipes are really good. Sorry, no clue how to fix that. LOL
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