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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I agree to a certain extent but what it has done is it has opened the door for anyone with enough money to politically influence the general population. Talk about pay to play. donald trump doesn't scare me too much. It's what's behind trump that scares the fire out of me.
  2. Actually as the article said, there is a bust of Lincoln on that table.
  3. I'm sorry, that does go to the bone. My favorite niece and I had words over it....pretty strong words but I think once the dust settles, if it ever does, we will be OK. We really love one another and I can't think our relationship would be ended by........politics. Ugg.
  4. I've read that Obama threw out the bust and replaced it with a bust of MLK......these right wing sites are crazy with their misinformation. Here's an article that explains it pretty well. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/no-donald-trump-wont-returning-9251835
  5. It's never one of their parties fault. Oh, and they are never wrong either. Never. Ever. No way. No how. Sometimes, its like having a conversation with 10 different teflon people.
  6. Jealousy has nothing to do with it. Fifth avenue is very, very busy any day and most of the night any day of the week. Because he is in the middle of fifth avenue then his presence and resulting traffic is a MAJOR hassle to the residents, business owners and visitors to the area. We won't even go into the traffic issues. Jealousy? Wow.
  7. Here's the rest of the story. It wasn't just about a steak dinner. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/aas-trump-leaves-press-behind-steak-dinner-incoming-admin-already-n684511
  8. If you're looking for me to defend the violent protestors, sorry ain't going to happen.
  9. I watched the TV station report, it said nothing about her being pregnant. Nothing at all. You posted this twitchy report which included information that she was pregnant. The situation was bad enough without throwing that in. I guess the justification for it was to further inflame an already bad situation. So see, you're the idiot. Because you promoted it.
  10. Just to be clear, I'm not supporting this type of behavior. Not at all.
  11. No doubt. What in the heck she was doing in the middle of an angry mob, by herself and supposedly pregnant with an emergency is suspect. Also, only very far right sites are reporting the story which is also suspect. I'm not buying it. Seems to me it is very likely a created video to create further hysteria.
  12. The worst smoke day yet. But then it got dark and I was able to see this:
  13. With this verdict, the jury said that he set up that visit to the car with the light bulbs. He was actually able to get in a car when his son was in the back seat. Boggles the mind.
  14. The well is doing......"well"..........
  15. Well whatever it is that's ailing you, good luck! P.S. To me quality of life is everything.
  16. I love a good work of fiction too. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/hillary-bill-clinton-secret-service-224578
  17. I voted at the courthouse. The hot dog guy has been there for a long time. Good guy, I always liked him. Good for your daughter. She'll also remember it too. Very cool.
  18. I voted this afternoon. Walked up, brought a hotdog (kraut with mustard) and a soda, joined the line, ate my hotdog and drank some soda.......and voted. No issues at all.
  19. Folks that may speed have absolutely no bearing on this. None of us were there, none of us know what we would have done. None of us. What we do know is that two teenage girls were killed and the other two were critically injured.
  20. I just got done reading that book. It was good, couple of "what the heck?" That made me have to reread but it was good. The Martian was the last good movie I saw. The end of it was awesome. But, then again I haven't really been watching too many movies lately.
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