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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. See that's the difference between you and Wendy. Rather than just driving the dog to the pound and being done with it, she is actively looking for the owner and/or a new home. And you call her lazy? She doesn't deserve your judgement. Just wish her good luck and say thanks for trying.
  2. What in the world? Someone attacking Wendy? Over a animal? What? Wendy is a protector of the four legged buddies and would never cop out due to laziness. In the end, she will do what's right. Wendy, I'm sorry about your loss, I'm sure it was very hard on you. Good luck.
  3. I won't forget Toys for Tots! To all involved......great job!
  4. Happy birthday Laurie......have a great birthday girlie!
  5. For any woman to raise a son that has that look in his eyes......at his age....so sad. Wonder where his father is?
  6. I don't feel bad for her either....I do feel sorry for her son. Look at his mugshot.....that kid needs something. THAT is the surviving wrong than could be made right.
  7. Good juju Mr. Dis. I wish only the best for you and yours.
  8. Beasley is a radical. I'm not going to say the country is going to hell in a hand basket nor am I going to say that we are a Marxist country based on a situation brought on by a radical. These woman have no rights to this house. None. Guess its a good photo op for Beasley through.
  9. I get what you are saying and I agree to a certain extent. However, after having many dogs and horses, I have finally gotten it through my thick head that blood is everything. If an animal is bred for a particular trait you can bet that that trait will come out at one time or another. There is not a thing in the world that anyone can do to change that. JMTC.
  10. I think you actually mean Patty Loveless.
  11. I don't know her but it sounds like he really made her mad huh?
  12. That had to take a ton of time to put together. Thanks, it was great!
  13. Back in the day, I lived in Queens, N.Y. Guess that's why I didn't know that huh?
  14. I live in mine. But I like the thicker kind of fabric and I get a size bigger so they are not so tight. Tight leggings is a really bad low rent look. I don't care if you're a teenager, it's still a bad look.
  15. You got that right! It is almost unbelievable how well patrolled that road is. Don't speed on 27, they WILL get you!
  16. Used to be, they were in government hands they flew right. Pride. What happened? Don't give me that entitlement crap either. This stuff is taugh by parents and the home life no? Could it be that the parents are teaching the entitlement mind set? To me, this mind set has nothing to do with the government, it has all to do with how you were taught. Who would want to live off a gov. check? Seriously. Do you know any? I don't. Ohhhhh.....no you diddddnt.
  17. Yeah...a lot was in response to 9/11/01, like the patriot act huh? Follow through was just excellent huh?
  18. I guess I don't really blame you for that kind of talk. Reason I posted was to let people know that you are not dealing with the police if you are dealing with the TSA. Scares the fool out of me. Where did TSA originate anyway? Wasn't that a Rebuplican President? Huh?
  19. Well, after the dust settled, I'd look towards the natural born Americans. I'd look after my own countrymen first. Seems like everyone thinks about India or Africa. It kinda, sorta pisses me off. I want my countrymen taken care of by charity.....charity that is created by Americans.
  20. You said you were confused, well now I'm confused. But that's kinda normal. Your confusion is about giving your SIL hope? If I were ever put in that situation, hope would be my lifeline. No? If you are referring to the facility in Houston...worldwide known....for a long time now. They, very possibly, could help. Hope is everything. No?
  21. This is a long story so I will attempt to provide the cliff notes version. Coming home from New Orleans, iPad in purse.....purse goes into scanner at security point....purse comes out, grab purse and after walking towards my friends at the gate, go to get my iPad ......guess what? No iPad....run back to security point.....they don't know....get passed to superior....after 30 minutes....guess what? I pretty much get told.....I didn't have an iPad. I say really? I go to the cops who have a station in the airport and file a report. Once TSA knows I have the police involved, they tag me t
  22. First thing I'd get is a chef.......in the old part of the Hamptons! Hell, I might get TWO chefs with that kind of money. :D
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