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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Oh, just go play with your barbies.
  2. My neice just called me! She is there! She knows I adore Clapton.
  3. If that was directed at me....sorry, you are not even close. What you are through is a baiter.
  4. Other than some sound checks early on, I thought they all sounded real good. You know, for old farts.
  5. Wanted....dead or alive. Bon Jovi.
  6. If you took my posts as attacks...that's your problem. Don't you care that a seventh grader would have come off better than this girl with two young children? Doesn't THAT bother you? It bothers me. Know what else bothers me a bit?
  7. Hey old timers.....they are playing our song(s) Pretty cool to see.
  8. I get what you're saying....I was there too. Meth is different and it's also a different world. People are crazy.
  9. Seriously, start a thread on this board requesting people pass on information about available programs for young people to restart an effort for their education. Seriously. And believe it or not, this suggestion does come from a good place.
  10. Actually Stiff, I bet many people on this board would be more than happy to give you guidance as to available programs that are geared towards helping young people get their lives on a positive track. No one wants to think about another young person being in the same position as Brenda's son.
  11. Sorry, but that is a fantasy kiddo. Being spoken about is part of the consequences of being involved in illegal activity. You do understand the concept of consequences don't you?
  12. Well since you are not in school I guess you are just out of luck with your obvious lack of any solid education. Good luck, I hope you smarten up sooner than later.
  13. Do your parents know you are on the Internet embarrassing yourself?
  14. Awareness? Let me tell you from personal experience that if you are not proactive in your healthcare NOW, before the health care act, before any changes in the healthcare laws, then you will end up with the short end of the stick. You have to educate yourself, you can't be led like a sheep by any doctor, under ANY healthcare law.
  15. I saw on the news that they were reporting the bank on 278 accross from Ruby Tuesday had a robbery.
  16. I'm out. Wendy, best of luck with the stray that you were caring enough to try and help.
  17. Good grief. Wendy! Yoohoo! Wendy! Time for you to save the world! Get cracking on that OK?
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