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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. I had read that. Georgia will be more expensive because the premium rates were not negotiated and because Medicaid was not expanded. Way to make a political point......make the people pay more. Maybe the numbers will force a tweak to the system. I wonder, after a time, if people will relocate taking health care costs into account.
  2. They vary WIDELY on a state by state basis. Here. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303983904579095731139251304.html Do you know anything about this law? So far you are wrong about the deductible not being included in the out of pocket cost. Now, you are incorrect about the premium varying widely on a state by state basis. Do you do this stuff on purpose?
  3. It defines what is included in your out of pocket cost, which btw includes deductibles.
  4. Tundra, they quote based on your state. There's a reason for that dear.
  5. Here Tundra, from the healthcare gov site https://www.healthcare.gov/glossary/out-of-pocket-costs/
  6. Yes. The more people sign up, the more the rates go down.
  7. Nope. The out of pocket includes the deductible. As you asked me yesterday, you do know what deductibles and out of pockets are don't you?
  8. Pubby, you moving to California? Because those rates apply to California, and only California.
  9. You're getting a renewal for insurance in California? As you would phase it, you do know that California is one of the more expensive places to live in the country don't you?
  10. I'd be curious to see what the private insurance rates are. Think they would be cheaper?
  11. The only "big brother" that was standing over them was their own greed. Remember, if it doesn't close, no one gets paid.
  12. Here's a story on it. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2013/10/03/breaking-reports-of-shots-fired-on-capitol-hill/
  13. Excellent, cause Obamacare has about the same chance of being repealed as I have of not being required to pay the school tax.
  14. Ya know, come to think of it, I don't equate being forced to pay school taxes when I don't have any kids as a freedom either.
  15. You guys didn't hear? They are savings us from certain extinction. Why, they are hero's!
  16. Know what? You're right. Hope it works out for the better than the worse for everyone.
  17. No. Just the fact that preexisting conditions will now be covered says otherwise. I've always thought this was more about insurance regulation than anything else.
  18. Here is some information on that issue. http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2012-06-30/news/bs-md-rodricks-0701-20120630_1_individual-mandate-health-insurance-health-care
  19. How many are uninsured now? ETA, btw I don't get this uninsured thing anyway. You get in an accident, you go to the ER. This will force you to pay for your care when you would rather forget it. No more free lunches.
  20. It's bad for the country to have better healthcare at an affordable price? The government will not be handling your healthcare. The government has stepped in to rein in the insurance companies ability to force you to pay through the nose, for bad insurance.
  21. No, I don't think the "money fairy" is going to pay for it. Anymore than the "money fairy" was going to pay for the insurance companies premiums going up, up, up, without providing better coverage. Please refrain from being condescending.
  22. Oh, so it's a political belief that you're against? Not that the program is bad because it's unaffordable?
  23. Freedom loving people get sick too. Freedom loving people are also being turned down because of preexisting conditions, or paying out the nose for coverage. When you can provide information that the care and cost will be inferior to what we have now, then we can talk. Until then, it's just rhetoric.
  24. Evidently, it's a bad link. I can't open it anyway.
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