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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. Not when it comes to our country business. Keep your dirty republican practices that ensure a direct hit on the democrats, but the direct business of America should be off limits. JMTC.
  2. The Blacklist...James Spader....tonight at 10. Spader looks pretty disturbed in the preview.
  3. Ahhhh come on..... And I agree with you on the Internet....we need to learn how to deal with it.
  4. The landscaping. It's also maintained like crazy I'm sure.
  5. Is it really a northern vs southern thing? Or is it a country vs city thing? I'm not sure. All I can say is that I didn't see it when I was in the corporate world.
  6. We saw that they were mowing this weekend too. But the workers I saw also had a detail picking up the trash.
  7. I've run into my fair share of those "ladies." They are impressive with their mean spirit. Real impressive.
  8. I'm called Yankee all the time. I take is as a joke. If I'm in front of you while you say it, I can tell if it's really meant as a slam. I've run into that too. That's OK. Used to be I didn't understand it, now I just don't care. Some folks take this stuff very seriously.
  9. Yup. He was in a movie with Sally Field......what was the name of it again?
  10. Holy crap Pubby! Is p.com going towards being an eye in the sky?
  11. After watching how the right handled themselves this year as well as last year, my take is that they are all about party and could care less about country. THAT just doesn't sit well with me. Obama won, not once, but twice running on a platform that included the Health Care Act. If that doesn't confirm that the country wanted this Act, then you are not paying attention. I don't see this country electing a Republican president anytime soon. They are just burying their party deeper and deeper into self destruction.
  12. Happy, Happy, HAPPY birthday sweet lady! Glad you had a great day! I met you at JJ's wake. Your sweet eyes tell the story. Just a kind woman. Happy birthday!
  13. Obamas birth certificate for one. They were encouraging the "birthers", that's not enough bs for you?
  14. Sorry, I'm not going to rely on half truths and outright lies as shown on your "website." What is it that you are going for? Distraction?
  15. It has always been my experience that the IRS get their money. If you have never dealt with them on a personal level, I have a trucker buddy who has.....They will throw a lien on what you own in a heartbeat if you don't try to pay what you owe. If you need financing of any kind, home, car, credit cards.....they have got your number. So, they will be beefing up the IRS.......that scares me more than anything. Having said that, the IRS is the most logical choice to track income. Income on the books that is.
  16. Got ya. Thanks for the explanation.
  17. I just did a search asking for babies being born on fire trucks in this country and found three. Not sure this is a valid argument because babies are born on the way to the hospital all the time. Just saying.
  18. I just think he could have been a bit less alienating with his response. Found this snoops article about this "issue" http://www.snopes.com/politics/sexuality/barilla.asp I also understand he has since apologized.
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