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Everything posted by rockysmom

  1. <br /><br /><br /> Ivade. Yup, I'm juvenile too. Russia looking for attention got my attention for sure.
  2. <br /><br /><br /> Maybe I missed it but I don't recall seeing a copy of the signed contract. If you would post it, I sure would appreciate it.
  3. <br /><br /><br /> And there you have it folks.....thanks raclay.
  4. <br /><br /><br /> Whitey, you just can't proclaim signed contracts null and void via a magic wand. Any clue what that will cost?
  5. <br /><br /><br /> No doubt Low........I just want this airport issue resolved...so we all know what we are going to have to deal with. I want the issue resolved! I'm done with all this back and forth, he said she said type of thing. I also want the county government to communicate with all of us.
  6. Very kind of you Glassdogs. Really.
  7. OK.....I'm going to suggest a really "out there" concept. Both parties pick a representative, and the two of you work out a deal for approval to the general public. Say, within thirty days. I have to say......there has been limited communication from the county representatives. I really don't think there is a whole lot to be accomplished on the Internet.
  8. <br /><br /><br /> That's news. HL seems to have such big buildings. I thought it was old news that HL was going into the old K Mart site.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> I think the area in question is the front of the parking area. They have torn up the asphalt and now everyone wants to know what's coming. I've read that Hobby Lobby will be in the building of the old K-Mart. Guess it's a pad site.
  10. <br /><br /><br /> Spoiled sport. Lots of folks love Mexican food. If it's even anywhere close....come on...be a Dude and share!
  11. I've been know to hit a Golden Coral if I just want fried chicken. It's pretty good. I would be interested to know what is contained in a 12x12 square of The carpet at Ryan's.
  12. <br /><br /><br /> Maybe they weren't eating at home, maybe they were eating at Ryan's. Big ole ick.
  13. Two statements stood out to me. - God told me to run....... - This is Gods airport. When people say this type of thing about an AIRPORT.....I don't walk away, I run away
  14. <br /><br /><br /> And I hope to hell you have the money to "support" your position. Because money talks and bs walks. For that rule to apply, just throw in a couple of high price, connected law firms. I've had my fair share of griefs in this regard. And that is all I'm going to say about that. Don't you tell me what I've dealt with.
  15. <br /><br /><br /> That newscast was great Jamie! I'm more than sure you are very, very proud. You should be.
  16. How cool that you and your family are so loving. Best of luck to your daughter, I hope she has a happy, enriched time of it. I miss you, I haven't seen you in forever.
  17. <br /><br /><br /> That's not going to happen. Just like nothing happened to the people whose properties were impacted by the building boom. This is the way I see it, if improvements happen that impact your property you have choices, either sell or move. Or you can stay and work with the changes. You cannot fight progress, no matter how big or small that progress may be. If you choose to get into litigation you are asking to be turned inside out. Your rights are overshadowed by "the general good." Sorry, but that's the way it is. EVERYTIME. Is it right? Perhaps
  18. I don't know about you guys but I'm getting stressed over the one that hasn't hatched yet!
  19. Hi Oreo! I have your second cousin by your great aunts mother in law by a second cousins sister in law! Small world huh? We love and adore our Miss Louise. I'd post a picture......but ya know, I don't have a half hour to figure it out. Best of luck!
  20. I'm sure your entire family is over the moon thankful that he is going to be OK. Whew, that was a close one! I'm so glad for your family.
  21. Looks like your list is in error because she is normally included. Here is an article to confirm. http://womenshistory.about.com/od/salempeople/p/lydia_dustin.htm
  22. We went to Optimist, off Chastain this evening. Fresh, clean and delicious. I enjoy people watching in that neck of the woods anyway.
  23. Well, I guess I've eaten there for the last two times in my life. I wondered the last time I was there. The vibe of the place was dirty and empty.
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