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Everything posted by jlh10101

  1. Nope, my meat is all in the freezer. All of it taken here in Georgia. I hunt for what I eat, and eat what I kill.
  2. I don't know the name of the place, but the one next to the ridge road Kroger offers spray tanning.
  3. There hasn't been a post in over an hour? Pcom is really dead.
  4. The ability to breathe oxygen and convert protien into fuel.
  5. I heard about this this afternoon. I personally think it is rediculous. But hell there may be more of this in the US when we socialize medical insurance and care.
  6. I could argue this point with you endlessly, but i just don't feel like wasting my time on it. Time is money and you, not worth it.
  7. I had some of that luck today. I blew the hell out of a stop sign around 7:30 pm on A road I travel all the time. I look to the right and there is a Dallas PD car parked about 20 yards up the road. He must have been sleeping not to see me.
  8. If I had kissed you, you would have popped me in the face. it was a preimptive pop. Good thing I like the big O. s c a r .
  9. Scuse me while I kiss the sky........
  10. Below me...... *seereferencetowarningpostedabove*....
  11. AGG, sorry, I know that I posted a warning but hell it got moved twce.
  12. So do I save the tube for you or not???? you know you can fill it with water and freeze it. JLH 10101. Fill it with your personality, then what???????
  13. WTF? are you romeo or juliette? and who is burning what/???????
  14. I am who I am. J, JLH, JLh10101, John, it is all me. Find me if you can TRUCK with me if you dare. Those that know me love those that don't have no Idea what they are missing.
  15. Pour gasoline on it and light a cigarette.......
  16. Not that I have heard, but hell one of them could have been taken off of life support.
  17. Does anybody care what I ate tonight to make a turd? The body is nourished tonight and I will sheeze the leftovers tomorrow.
  18. I think I need to change my name. Hmmmmm, what should it be.
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