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Everything posted by jlh10101

  1. Oh sheeze, why didn't i think of those responcse. Good thing I am not paid to be funny.
  2. So does anybody know if stinky is grass food yet?
  3. I bet he is starting to stink a little more than he did before.
  4. UM, no. I don't turn on those forums because I don't want to. The sheeze spiews out onto the bord too much already. HELL NO.
  5. Nope, she needs the chargy thingy. We will miss her around here if she doesn't get this figured out.
  6. Sounds like they missed out on the stimulus package.
  7. ya hun. Me and Daddyslittlegirl will be thinking about you and your mom. *besttoyouboth*
  8. You seem to know, so what day will the trick or treaters knock on my door????///
  9. *lookingfortheplaster* What you need filled yo?
  10. Hey pubby, do you have any answers for my questains? Did you fart in the woods recently pubbybear?
  11. Seriously, I don't want to go to the battles again. Boss is obviously watching me. Come on people, put your demons away and just have some fun.
  12. I am not pulling your finger.
  13. Mental note, don't hold your breath. Did you know it is impossible to hold your own breath untill you die. Oh, you will pass out but when you do you will start breathing again.
  14. PHULESE, my sheeze smells just as bad as yours. LOL and bullets suck, I don't want any more of those. I just want people to lighten up, laugh at themselves and live right.
  15. Oh hell no, I have enough trouble, I am asking to be allowed to have fun.... Crazy I know????!!!!
  16. Gee I wonder why? Hey Pubby, can we just have some damn fun?
  17. Seriously, I was just trying to have some fun? There were no arguments, disruptions, or pissy people. If pcom isn't intrested in just plain fun anymore what is the appeal?
  18. I kinda like me the way I am. I don't look my age yet though. LOL
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