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Everything posted by jlh10101

  1. HUM, gotta think on this for a while......
  2. My first car was a '72 super beetle. My next 3 cars were also antique v-dubs. That sheeze is cool.
  3. Glen, I need to bring you my POS homelite chainsaw to see if you can breathe life back into it. The oiler stopped oiling, then the darn thing wouldn't start.
  4. I saw clothes mountain today. I tell you there are lots of clothes there. Good luck Cindy.
  5. If Mine keeps it up all she gets is a hard time.....
  6. Text, phone, fax, e-mail, PM, IM, waiting.......
  7. It would closed real fast, but I bet I would make the top of that list.
  8. I think I have met quite enough pcomers, I have met most mentioned in this thread. I think the only exceptions are ZOO and Mewhoelse. Somehow I don't think meeting one would change my life any more than the other. Well one would get slapped for a different reason than the other, but it wouldn't be a life changing event.
  9. I wanna know who rides the white pony???? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNTmXk5H0Nc&feature=PlayList&p=7854C8DDF341BCC8&index=0&playnext=1http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNTmXk5H0Nc&feature=PlayList&p=7854C8DDF341BCC8&index=0&playnext=1
  10. Well, stay out of the PM's and put it out here. LOL
  11. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "THIS NOTE IS LEGAL TENDER FOR ALL DEBTS, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE" You can mess with me all you want to. Just don't mess with my family, my money, or my right to life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness. That is all. My random thoughts for the night.
  12. Use photobucket, or dip them in cold water.
  13. That's ok, I am sure we will have our hands full with the neon baby jesus here. Who cares if Washington has one.
  14. Do they get a lisence or something to be a babysitter???? Or is this just another revenue collection scheme? Come on people, bumps and bruises make strong adults. So, does this prepair the little darlings for a career in babysitting? How much does a sitter gross in a year? PLEASE.......
  15. I do the smash, dip and stuff. Maybe I will make a video next time I have wings.
  16. I use it, when I first switched I had to edit some of my office doccuments because something happened in converting them. It works much like office and was easy to switch to.
  17. They are 18 and up now, and smoking is only allowed on the bar side of the pub. I went last night for the Halloween party and had a blast.
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