Pay off as much debt as possible, being in debt is like being enslaved, not to an old southern plantation owner, but to the financial institution holding the lien to the item that you owe on.
How many times have rounded the corner at the end of an ailse and nearly had a collision because you can't see as well being at the rear of a vehicle?
My worst pet peeve would have to be people driving slower than the posted speed limit.
We are also giving more and more up in order to save the planet, feed/house the unemployed, insure the uninsured, bail-out the too big to fail, give amnesty to the Illegals, and on n on n on.
It could be possible that the "lady" knew this tatooed person, and has issues with something that may have happened in the past, you can't pass a judgement on her actions unless you know the whole story.
No one is calling for total anarchy as you are accusing there are needs for some government.
And as for your question from an earlier post asking why is that private ins. costs keep rising, perhaps the rising costs of malpractice costs for medical practitioners, or possibly the government mandates that do not allow interstate insurance purchases.
Oh yea I forgot the trial lawyers most always vote democrat.
Maybe one of those LOUD air horns that the tractor trailes use, could be wired into a passenger car, that might scare a few of the riders out of the way.