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Everything posted by dapandlap

  1. Are saying that it is due to people who actually have a job may have to commute to their respective places of business' are nuts? Don't know about you, but there are bazillions of people who realize rush hour traffic in Atlanta is already a nightmare WITHOUT having 400/285/75 closed so the 1st lady can get to her plane.
  2. In the dictionary under the word "Doofus" you can find a picture of Ms. Lohan.
  3. It would also be considerate on the schedulers part to NOT have the transportation happen during RUSH HOUR.
  4. Put the chillinz ta bed around eight watch as much of tha game before my bedtime (5:30am comes around way to early).
  5. You know MD I believe that is an excellent idea if everyone were FORCED by federal mandate to buy a home just think of how many jobs that were lost in the housing industry could be "re-created", hey wait a minute is it possible that I stumbled onto a new phrase for jobs saved, created, or now re-created that the whitehouse hasn't put in their memo to the left wing pundits to use in their talking points?
  6. Here's my two cents, The question really should be WHY are the left wing extremists so angry about the judges ruling on constitutionality of 0bamacare. Is it because they are angry that a this socialist/communist law may not stand the the litmus test of the constitution, or is it because they do not want to be handed a slap in the face of the progressive left agenda with embarrasment when this bill is struck down by the SCOTUS?
  7. I reckon they could name it "the park that's real close to the lake/reservoir that has yet to be built"
  8. Yep it's right there in the constitution "cell phones are a God given right, no citizen shall be denied that right to have one" Just like healthcare is a right, right?
  9. Congrats Blue, your life will be much different now. Believe me I used to have a full head of hair before our two came along, however I wouldn't, nor could I ever imagine life without them, they are the reason I wake up and breath every morning. Congratulations
  10. Who knows maybe Oprah will bring him on her new network to be the anchor for Harpo news.
  11. Has nothing to do with religion, it is simple economics. There is not a venue of that size that can be rented as "cheap" as the building they have been using for years. Your agenda is showing, best try again.
  12. Is this an exercise in secret code language? I haven't a clue what this thread is about. "SKRONK". But if you were to ask the elf on the shelf, thouest surely couldest findest the answer. "Lift up thee eyes an gaze upon the horizon for it will be a bearer of good news, Wo unto thee of poor judgement for thou will surely suffer the consequence of the bad karma thouest dost deserve". Amahn Key Zonkle
  13. I believe a course in just plain ole common sense would be the next class to sign up for.
  14. Is this the park off 61 north that has taken approx. 3 years to build?
  15. Sounds like something from the pubster.
  16. So that means all stupid people are poor, and all smart people are rich, right?
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