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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Sounds like unresolved conflicts in the spirit world to me. What?
  2. Has anyone ever heard of Z29 Media? I don't know....for some reason I've been thinking about them all day. Weird.
  3. Well, I sprayed a lot of weed killer around this afternoon so I'm expecting a big downpour.
  4. Nope. Would you have cared about the president giving a speech when you were 13? I sure didn't. And when he gets older he will learn the fine art of appearing to sit and listen intently when all you're really thinking about is what you want for lunch.
  5. Well, I've been wasting my time watching this video for over 5 minutes. Is anything informative or intelligent going to come of it or should I just go back to my yardwork?
  6. A youth group leader was murdered in Cleveland, GA after he gave a ride to a man and a woman. He was trying to help. That's what pastors do. He didn't know they were criminals. Why not go to an ATM in another county? I go to another county every weekday to go to work. If he was already in the car and had the engine turned on. He probably couldn't hear anybody said "police freeze" or anything else. I know I can't with the radio on. He probably saw a black SUV pull up and thugs with guns jump out and try to rob him. I would have tried to get away, too.
  7. Yeah, I'm like that with my men. Kidding. Just kidding.
  8. Wait for them to call again then tell them you've changed your mind and don't need a technician and as a matter of fact he can shimmy on up that pole and disconnect you because you're not paying your bill.
  9. I know I have a problem but Dr. Pepper is helping me overcome it!
  10. Personally, I like to have some warning if sneakery is going on IF it's from someone who knows about it first hand and not "my friends cousins brother in Winchestertonfieldville said blah, blah, blah......"
  11. What would happen if a tornado was spotted in Dallas on the first Wednesday of the month at noon?
  12. No, those people are indigenous to the trailer park region and are thus referred to as "trailer trash".
  13. I don't like anybody putting anything in my coffee. just give it to me fresh, hot and black and I'll fix it myself.
  14. well, i got em' all but my score was still sucky. but to be fair, i did get a tad distracted by all them tasty lookin' french fried taters!
  15. I wonder if this come yardsized and a lot higher voltage.
  16. Oh Lord, why didn't you save me? I sent you 2 rowboats and a helicopter.
  17. So GOD created something so wonderful that it was smart enough to invent vaccines.
  18. Does anybody have any cheetos? I want some cheetos. The crunchy kind. And some chocolate cake. yeah..........
  19. I like the 33 year old videos but how do they pertain to 2009?
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