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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. Oh I've been waiting on Merle. i'll bet he is pissed. But seriously, you have to consider his upbringing. There's gonna be some serious conflict between him and Daryl. And Daryl is pretty hot these days.
  2. Yeah, Jimmy just opened the RV door and let the walkers in. You tell your boy that Jimmy was an idiot. He saved Rick and Carl and all he had to do was keep driving. he just had to keep driving...God Jimmy, you were a hero!
  3. Betcha a shiny new quarter it's gonna be another kick ass chick. I love kick ass chicks. As annoying as Andrea has become lately I was really upset that she was inadvertently left behind.
  4. Almost 2 years old. Jeez. We have plenty to gossip about without bringing 2 year old threads out of the closet.
  5. Miguel tells the brothers to put out the cigarettes as there is no smoking in the OHop, they refuse and become loud and disorderly, the manager calls the police and brothers are arrested for possession. And promptly murdered in jail. Crisis averted.
  6. I haven't watched in years. Do you think On Demand has all the seasons?
  7. Yeah, I know how you feel. A friend from high school died of brain cancer last week. He fought it for 5 years. Every problem I have is petty.
  8. Is it too early to start drinking beer? I AM working in the yard.
  9. Prayers sent! Hahaha! I forgot what that was from. Family Guy? I liked the Bob Newhart one where he wakes up in bed with Suzanne.
  10. I've been taking my favorite daughter to PetSmart for years with delightful results. Although the girl that always takes care of her moved "back home to be closer to family". It's hard to find a good stylist.
  11. Maybe he means YOU'RE heavenly.
  12. bust in the bathroom, rip open the shower curtain and take pictures after a 10 minute time limit.
  13. I'm going next week for a family thing. I haven't been since before Katrina so it'll be interesting to see what up. My aunt and uncle had to tear their house down to the studs and rebuild.
  14. Well I win this contest. My daughter's prom was in a hotel in Buckhead and neither she nor her boyfriend was comfortable with driving there so his mother and I got a room for the night, I showed them how to get to the restaurant and they drove there and back to the hotel in my car. The BF's mother and I went out to dinner, drank some margaritas and then went back to the room and hung out. the kids went to prom and then came back up to the room. We had breakfast and then went shopping at Lenox the next morning. The next year they drove themselves. Junior prom was magical. for all 4 of us. hahah
  15. hell, my mom swatted us with spatulas and belts and I'm not aggressive. I think my IQ is in the 130 range. I'm a smartass though.
  16. dump it in a ziploc bag and take it back.
  17. I don't even have to click the link. I know who my children are.
  18. My kids wouldn't have done it in the first place.
  19. No matter what happened, suggesting that the owner should visit the guy in the hospital is stupid from a legal standpoint.
  20. I'm assuming that if an employee needs to be questioned, the police will let said employee know. I also think that the reporters on the 5 o'clock news aren't privy to all the evidence and don't know everything.
  21. he caused a scene (most likely drunk) asked to leave, got into it with bar workers outside and his girlfriend wants to know why nobody's been arrested? and he's 44.
  22. It must be a crap shoot because I have AT&T and have never had a problem. Other than the price I pay for a plain old phone.
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