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Everything posted by shannonsolomon

  1. You take the job and keep looking. Then when you find another job that pays a decent wage, you thank them for the opportunity, resign gracefully and tell them to truck off in your head.
  2. Are we still talking vacation? We've been going to Seagrove Beach for years. It's grown a lot. I go with my whole fam damily every year. Beach, food, alcohol, no makeup, barely any clothing. We used to go out to dinner at least a couple of times but nobody wants to bother with getting in a car. We do still go to Seaside for the outdoor movie or concert though. I'm perfectly happy with the beach and a cooler. And no pants.
  3. lalalalalalalalalala..I can't hear you, I can't hear you!!! I started watching The Following and haven't watched any Dallas episodes yet. arrrghhhh!
  4. Sweetie, you do realize that you're getting your economics lessons and reports from a website that has the "Miley Cyrus pops out of dress at pre-Grammy party" headline on the same page, right?
  5. My daughters car was totaled because someone waved another person out.
  6. I just loved the way the Captain tickled those ivorys!
  7. I just praise Jesus every year that I had the foresight to set my sister up with an accountant.
  8. I want to watch the entire series from the 80s now. I wish they would put it on OnDemand
  9. If someone is stupid enough to think a chiropractor can cure type I diabetes then I would call that thinning the herd.
  10. Please tell your brother in law to not be stupid.
  11. he was 9. I can't believe a 9 year old would have been able to pull that off. although I do believe that if Jonbenet had been a poor black child from SE Atlanta, this crime would have been solved in a matter of days.
  12. I'm assuming she means type II because insinuating that type I diabetes can be controlled by a chiropractor is horribly incorrect and irresponsible. which is also true for type II. Please talk to a real doctor.
  13. my daughter and I got pulled over at a spot on Macland rd coming home from a Christmas party because my headlight was out. My daughter showed her her license, and my expired insurance card. The nice polite office commented about the strong smell of alcohol (Thass me officer..) the burned out light (I got the replacement light right here occifer) and asked my daughter where we were going, coming from etc. about the time I started thinking hey that's none of your beeswax copper part of my brain starting thinking that she was asking all these questions to ascertain whether I was the only drunk in
  14. Well I feel bad that you're in here talking to yourself! I watched it the other night and I'm hooked. Pretty good show except when Major Crimes starts back it might be on the same time. I like Kevin, I guess it's his turn to bring home the...... bacon. see what I did there? Bacon? hahaha!
  15. you ain't from around here are ya?
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