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Everything posted by spacey74

  1. I was going to say you lived there
  2. I husband and sons vote yes, for it to be in it!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHxsj35AezY
  3. that was you!! I saw you but guess missed the action
  4. I dont like it either. I did like that they put Michael Jackson in it. The rap part sucked, but then again I dont like that crap. I didnt see any contry singers, or did I miss that. I did like Pink. I guess because I grow up with the 80's "We Are The World" I like that one better.
  5. ummmm....thats what I was thinking, with the roads being bad!!!!
  6. I got good snow here, Grass is turning white.....off Ridge Road, near ballfield
  7. I got $500. of the $800 of state this morning, still waiting on my fed, I hope they give me all of that at once. We will see
  8. because Im slow and not very bright at times And I was born in 1974
  9. I did...she is in heaven now RIP Michelle Hyden Smith .... But my husband is also my best friend
  10. its just so sad, and I thought I was young when I started having sex......my daughter is 11, and there is NO WAY, she could do it...she is freaking out about getting "hair' in different places.....lol!!
  11. OMG!!! I didnt hear that one..........that is so sad....
  12. hahaha....wonder who told him to turn around.......funny
  13. power bill last month $178.66 this month $98.49 Gas bill last month $128.44 this month $189.21
  14. Mine wouldnt tell me, so I guess I'll wait till you post something about it.....lol
  15. if I was to take pictures of every car, that is parked in the lines that are not a parking places, I would have me a nice thick big book.........people like that drives me crazy....LAZY people...lazy lazy lazy people!!
  16. that would be great if you could do that....lol
  17. This morning was a very rough morning my mom and me, so I stopped by and got her some cookies and some brownies for the man that helped my mother off the ground. They both were very happy.......you guys have awesome sweets...thanks
  18. have 3 of my own, and took another one in awhile back. So depending on when we met is if I have 3 or 4
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