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Everything posted by spacey74

  1. our is always between 50-70....but we are a family of six, plus I seem to be washing cloths ALOT,and washing 5 bed sets, dishwasher,6 showeres a day......Im good with our. Where we used to live was higher, so YES Im good with ours.....
  2. I was a run away when I was in 9th grade. A "good" friend of mine told me and another friend of our, that she was raped by a guy at school, and she would get in trouble and her parents wouldnt believe her. So we all three "helped " her and all ran away. After all the danger we dealt with, getting caught,going to jail, and the punishment we got at home,and our parents keeping us away from each other for 3 years (we all got sent to different schools) I found out that she lied about the whole thing, the true story was we was in so much trouble at home, and her parents wanted to send her to anoth
  3. thats funny, I was just about to post something like that. I was sad to hear you lost you DL, then I read and what I thought DL was and what DL was, was to different things
  4. No big deal, they are great. The last time we went up to visit was 10 years ago, and I held my own, and they picked me and I picked back. Like I said they are the best, I love his family, and is very excited about seeing them this summer.
  5. NO,LPPT......I was thinking the same thing. Even my husband said all foruce on road, and if you are going to video tape them put it on the dash and leave it there.
  6. I move to Wisconsin when I was 18, and wow...they are different....my husband is a Cheese head baby and Im a georgia peach child. They were so mean to me because I was a southern girl, they made me cry, even my husbands family. Of course that was 13 years ago, Im ready for them now But I love them, he has great family allllll of them!!
  7. same here!! I also stayed by my self in 3rd grade, didnt see my parents until they got home from work as for the bike, I didnt wear helmet either, even fell off, rushed to the hospital got stitched up and the next day got back on and rode like it never happened. I used to go up on our and my and sister would lay out in the sun.....
  8. I watched that also. The money was the fathers from the start, he can do what ever he wants with it. B
  9. Like I have always said "If you dont like the weather in Georgia, just wait a day, it will change"
  10. I have heard a few different times, so I guess when they pop in I will know they are home. Let just keep prayers for the bus driver to drive safe, and for the kids on the bus to be calm for the driver. Thats what I told me kids, to be calm for the bus driver. I hated it when the weather was bad and the kids on the bus was so crazy.
  11. no kidding, poor kids!! I hate it for them, we are going out of state the first week of July. So I hope school is out by then. Too much money already spend for this vacation!!
  12. yup, snow here on Ridge Road
  13. thats funny, I had to jump on facebook, to make sure my neighbor heard the same thing crazycrazy weather
  14. dont forget talking on cell phones,and hair dye
  15. no, not true. I lived up north and my husbands grandparents did that to my son for teething also, he is a very good well manner 15 years old. He doesnt have any of the "ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, and stuff like that. And in fact I put kool aid in my kids bottle also. And they are all fine. My daughter was a child that had a temper, I took her to a dr, and they said "bipolar", I said NOT. We started being more harder on her, not letting her get away with the temper, and you know what...... She is doing better, because she know that crap isnt going to work around us. That was 5 years ago, now she is 11
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