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Everything posted by amanda_rip

  1. I agree, but I can't watch a new twilight every week so this will suffice.
  2. I work on Stilesboro and I've heard sirens at least 6-8 times already today.
  3. I would jump Rob Pattinson in the street.
  4. Nah...just in a different age bracket. Here's my vampire hottie:
  5. I don't think either of the ones from TrueBlood are hot.
  6. I thought the good one was hotter. OK...day and time so I can DVR it, please! I just watched the first episode on youtube....I love it!!!
  7. OK...I'm 6 mins in and I'm hooked.
  8. Really? What the hell makes people think it's ok to leave human feces lying around?!?!? EEEWWW! Now...let's all rally together and go poo in their front yard!
  9. Yep...hermaphrodite Some call them hermies.
  10. I actually discussed this with hubby too. I can't imagine not being able to have children. Going through my miscarriage made me think about that a lot. Since it was my first pregnancy, a million questions went through my mind. I was so discouraged. I can't even fathom what these women who can't conceive because of infertility go through. I would LOVE to donate my eggs to someone who needed them. I don't think I would be strong enough emotionally to be a surrogate, so that's the next best thing I could do.
  11. Ok---so there were 2 accidents? NM
  12. Wanna get it tomorrow after about 6:15? <---have to drop little A off with the 'other' side. I have to volunteer at church tonight to help get ready for Paulding Meadows.
  13. Well, if anyone decides from reading this thread that they need a toaster oven, I have a black one that works great for $10!
  14. I wasn't hatin'! Just saying....look at her now and compare to then...they don't shrink...
  15. They probably don't want you in the waiting room if you do have swine flu. I was watching the Today show the other day and the medical adviser said DO NOT go to the ER. First of all, there are even more germs there.... Secondly, you'll spread the virus. I would say unless your fever spikes, just treat it like the flu. Rest and drink plenty of fluids.
  16. I think she'll bring something to the show that wasn't there before. I LOVE watching her on TV. She's always so cheerful and says what's on her mind. I haven't watched Idol since the first season. I'll probably watch just to see what Ellen does.
  17. :yahoo: One more boy.....which means mine's a girl (since everyone I know is having a boy)! My poor husband! Even our dog's a girl!
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