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Everything posted by amanda_rip

  1. Many of the daycares run on the school schedule within the county that it's located. If the schools are closed for safety issues, most daycares will be too. I do know of a few that have re-opened since the roads have cleared a little bit, but if it's in their policy that they will be closed when Paulding Co. Schools are cloosed, and that's what they're doing, then the parents have been warned and should have a back-up plan in place for such a time.
  2. They definitely are closed...there's no doubt about it.... ....the question is: Will Kelly be on Pcom PUI tomorrow? (Posting Under the Influence)
  3. I'm on Stilesboro, but I took Burnt Hickory from 92. I know for sure you can come that way.
  4. Do you have any chocolate-covered mayberries?
  5. Yeah...you're right...I probably shouldn't hope for it....I could be snowed in at my house and go into labor!!!
  6. I bought myself a 3/4 lb brick of fudge and sat my happy preggo ass on the couch and ate some of it while I watched House... ...meanwhile, Little A was tormenting the in-laws' poodles! Boy am I a good parent! I should add that we spent the whole day together...so I don't sound like a horrible person.
  7. Aww...Kelly...they can't catch flu from the grass or rain. Let 'em have fun!
  8. Awww man...I'm never gonna get used to saying just '10 or '11...and so on....saying twenty-ten isn't so bad...but say twenty-eleven a few times and it starts to get annoying. I'm up for snow anytime...I miss it.
  9. I love how you noticed it wasn't on everyone else's and just wanted it to go away! I dunno why it made me laugh!
  10. It was 93...we got it in TN too....I remember it...how do you not? I was 5.
  11. That's ok...I can't afford a vacation anyway...I'll just be working all summer like always.
  12. Well...if they are that ambitious...at least the people who work there will be busy for the next few days.
  13. Can you imagine how much merchandise they've probably lost??? That's a lot of clean-up.
  14. Does the water not affect the roller coasters at all? I mean...I don't know how all that stuff works....
  15. I just you bc you make me smile.... ....who cares about school?
  16. One good blizzard...say....every 10 or so years isn't that bad...right? I think we're due for one here.
  17. No...I finally got through on Burnt Hickory Rd...I stayed at my in-laws' house. Hubby made it around to our house, but he had to go all the way through Cartersville and around. We should be able to make it home today!
  18. Can you dress up for this? If so...I would go as Scuba Steve!!!
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