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Everything posted by CanYouHearMeNow

  1. Except, most don't believe the beliefs of Islam are radical... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV710c1dgpU
  2. I think the real issue is that only "world leaders" were invited. Obama didn't qualify.
  3. I think they should have called in some women snipers and let the hostage takers know they're going to be taken about by a couple of girls.
  4. Muslims... Do Radical Muslims even exist? (Especially watch 3:30 to 4:45) Muslims don't consider their beliefs to be radical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bV710c1dgpU
  5. The phone number we had in Columbus GA consisted of a name and 5 digits. I remember our number was Fairfax #-####. That was in the 60's. Then we moved to South Georgia and we got a party line. I don't know if kids today would be courteous enough to handle that. It wasn't that kind of party.
  6. The Grand Jury decision was not and did not need to be unanimous. I'm sure one of the descenters is wanting to have his say to save his skin in case it ever gets out that he/she was on that Grand Jury.
  7. This is a concert from last year. It's great - watch the whole thing.
  8. We went to a Joe Cocker concert about 14 years ago in Atlanta. He put on a great show.
  9. I wouldn't suggest anyone 'locally', otherwise I'd be dead now. I used a heart surgeon at Emory and I'm pleased with his follow-up even years later.
  10. Man, those Sequester cuts are really hurting the economy. Record job growth, record low unemployment, slow and steady growth. Who knew?
  11. If there are any still around I would guess they are used for other purposes, since they probably dont have food and water supplies and radiation detection equipment any longer.
  12. Those of us who were school in the early 1960's remember quite well the Civil Defense drills (hiding under your desk) and the many Fallout Shelters (yellow and black sign) around town. I grew up in the Columbus GA area and due to its proximity to Fort Benning it was a primary target for an attack from Cuba. You can still get your own fallout shelter. Of course, most might be used for hurricane or tornado protection. My link Are there any Fallout Shelters still in Paulding County and are they used for any other purpose?
  13. Same thing with the Suicide Hotline, or when they do answer they place you on Hold...
  14. There were 142 Arabs fighting 154 Mexicans over 69 barrells of oil (14215469) and they fought for 5 years (multiplied by 5) and who won?
  15. I think their point is they knew someone had broken into the school and were shooting up the place. Instead of your child hiding behind some flimsy desk they could put on their backpack and protect their vital organs.
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