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Everything posted by treasure

  1. Thank you for posting. I pray your son finds comfort for his loss. My boy has asked me repeatedly today if I will make sure to donate to the family. I will of course. It is just heartbreaking to watch his heart break. I would suggest that anyone who can donate to just take the money directly to Herschel. Praying for everyone involved.
  2. Lets go for it. Since there are no crime problems or financial problems in the state of Georgia right now I think our people in charge need something to do and spend money on....So....lets waste time and money on changing the State Bird, that should solve all of our problems.
  3. treasure


    My son was a school mate of Madisons as well. While they were not close to each other it has really upset him. He came home today worrying about the family's finances. He said they had to stop working last month and are not only hurting emotionally but financially as well. The school is taking up a collection. I will be contributing...if you are able to do so please just go to Herschel Jones and do what you can. I know it will be appreciated. My prayers are with the family and friends of Madison.
  4. My son attended school with Madison and is saddened at his passing. He said Madison was sick for a long time. RIP Madison. Prayers for the family and friends.
  5. treasure


    Simple... Next time the said person is bragging about a vacation, respond this way... "Hey, let me know when your next trip is. The family and I would like to go along with you. Then you can just call it even for the money you owe me."
  6. I know from a friend that the 2 year old was life-lighted. The baby has a history of seizures. Seems to be better now according to her.
  7. So sad. I cannot believe that this animal, after having killed TWICE before, was allowed anywhere near humans....wow.
  8. treasure


    Not sure. I have heard a couple of different stories about this which is why I was wanting to know if anyone had the facts. The death of a teenager kind of puts life in perspective. My son said his friends were all crying this afternoon.
  9. treasure


    Does anyone know about the middle school student from Hershel Jones who passed away today? Just looking for some information. I was told by my son that he DID NOT pass away at school, he had been sick for a long time. Praying for those involved.
  10. I have just done a little web search of Sharitaki noodles. They are supposedly a healthy noodle. Has anyone ever tried them? If so...what are your thoughts about them? TIA
  11. Great idea. However, most schools do not add anything to their calendar mid-year. For that reason, you may want to choose a Private school(there are several in Paulding), so that there is less red tape to go thru. Good luck, and thanks for helping those in need.
  12. Thanks...I hope all works out for you.
  13. Interesting...I think I saw the car you were looking for. It turned left onto 278 and was racing a late model copper color Mustang...they both almost hit me. Good luck. However...that was more like 45 minutes ago.
  14. treasure


    A visit to a good chiropractor will have you cleared up in no time. Hope you feel well soon.
  15. Coltsmommy, Been there and done that girl. I have a little trick that will work. (He is waking so much because of the drainage. Think how hard it is for you to sleep when you are sick.) SO, take two bricks or blocks and place them under the feet of his bed on the end where his head is. That will help keep the drainage down, much like when you use a pillow. It will work. Also, ask his doctor if you can give him a little benadryl at night. Good luck.
  16. I missed last weeks episode but loved the first one. I think this will be a great show.
  17. I'm off Mustang near the Paulding High school and heard it. I believe what the person who hears it in New Ga. everyday is probably hearing the rock quarry.
  18. I had been debating myself on this all day...forgive him?, yes...forget it when there is an election on the line..no. UNTIL....it was revealed that this happened when he was 19....19...a kid. MOST 19 year olds make stupid, hormonal mistakes. Yes, I will now forget it...it will not impact how he votes for the people of his district. Glad ya'll don't know what I did when I was 19....
  19. Star, If what you want is an opinion on which we think is best and why...my vote goes for White Oak Springs on Mustang. It is beautifully landscaped with a great walking trail. There are 3 fishing lakes for catch and release. It is clean with several pavilions for public use. There is lots of room for all kinds of activities. Play area for kids, volleyball, picnic, bbq grills and more. By far in my opinion, the best in the county. IF you want public activities as far as sports to get involved in then you want to check into Mt.Tabor or Taylor Farms. Hope this helps.
  20. Mine were delivered Tuesday night and gone last night....guess I need to order some more.
  21. Is this the salon next to Lucky's? And....do you do waxing and nails?
  22. Is this the SAME one that has been being discussed on here? In an old gas station and people say it is really GROSS?....Or is this something new?
  23. I got one at Staples for a reasonable price. After I filled it out I had it notarized.It was very easy. BUT....I also recommend a power of attorney form as well. Of course you need different powers for different circumstances. I found out that since I am raising my son myself that I had to have one that states who raises him if I'm gone. If I did not do that he would automatically become a ward of the state.. WITH that said, the packet I purchased had a will, and power of attorneys for all circumstances. It was about $20 total. Hope that helps.
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