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Everything posted by treasure

  1. OK you persuaded me. I'll be there.
  2. I am debating between this and the local meatloaf special. What is the sauce like? And do you know the dessert yet?
  3. I may be up to a chair massage. What does that consist of? Head/arms/back/shoulders and scalp?
  4. Not sure if I will make it for diner but I know I will be in for my breakfast ritual of city ham biscuit and diluted tea. I think you should offer a frequent dinners club. susan
  5. Do you carry ACAI and if so, how much is a months supply? Also, the same info. on phase 11 with chromium.
  6. We love this store. Any one who has not stoped by here to shop has got to drop in. Great prices and very friendly owners.
  7. Its about time we got something like this around. When I lived in Smyrna there was a place called Take out Taxi, I loved that company. I will be using your services soon and suggest everyone to give them a try. i am not sure what you charge but when you figure in paying a tip at the restaurant, waiting in line and fighting traffic I am sure you are worth it. GOOD LUCK
  8. What a wonderful man. Please read many other thoughts of him on the front page article. He will be greatly missed. He is in Heaven with my momma now, he prayed for her often when she was sick. Now---they are both well. I will keep Joy in my prayers.
  9. An update on my previous post. While I am still in shock, it occured to me how fortunate I was that God allowed me to see him on a healthy day before his death. Do not take life or friends for granted. I remember how just a cup of boiled peanuts made this man happy. He was such a dear guy.
  10. Wow, I am just still in shock. I did not know his family except for his wife. If anyone knows if they need anything beyond prayer, please let me know. I cant get the picture of how well he looked Thursday out of my mind.
  11. Oh my. My son and I love Charles. I used to own several stores in Dallas and he and his wife were regulars. He treated my son like gold. We just saw him Thursday night and spoke to him for a while.. I thought he looked and talked better than he had in years. He just recently returned home from a month long trip to Trinidad I believe, wherever his wife is from. I truly loved this man and will miss him dearly. I am glad he was not suffering at the end like he had in the past. He looked well.
  12. Is this the Mr.Coker who walks around a lot in a orange hat?????
  13. We must have been typing at the same time, that was fast. Yes, I too passed him many times, what a great story. I am sure many others will pay tribute to him on here.
  14. Could you print the picture so we can put a face with the man. I am sure I passed him many times also. Sounds like a legend.
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