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Everything posted by treasure

  1. I wonder if he teaches in Paulding?
  2. There was a post on here last week for Sparkles hiring. Also, there are always daycares and summer camps needing help. Last, but not least, car-washes. Good luck.
  3. Cruising thru the parking lot at the Plaza on Friday nights. When I was young I lived in Cobb County. My papaw would drive me out here to go to the Hickory Hut for diner then down the road to the Dairy Shak for dessert. (No wonder I am fat ).
  4. Subway will put any of their sandwich makings on a salad and that is pretty good.
  5. God Bless you. My son Casey sometimes rides your bus. Thank you for caring for our kids.
  6. Coming from a fat girl who hates to cook but would love to eat healthy.....it would make it.
  7. Do a little research on line, ask a few local business people and rent the old Dogwoods location on Hwy.92. There is a place near the new courthouse that sells used restaurant equipment. You can do it....we can help.
  8. Angeleyes, I do not know you or your circumstances so I will not give unsolicited advice. However, I will tell you MY story. I was married for 2 weeks when I got pregnant. He gave me the choice of aboortzion or divorce..I chose MY son. I also chose to raise him by myself. With Gods help for the last 14 years we have gotten by with NO money from my ex OR the government. I have supported him alone and will continue to do so with God and love. I chose to do this and it has worked for us. Best of luck to you and your little one.
  9. I know the perfect location, if you are serious pm me.
  10. YES...could you have it opened tomorrow? I know MANY people who would.
  11. I agree. We do not need to speculate or know why really, all we need to know is there is a family hurting and teenagers who lost a friend. My son sat with me for over an hour last night recalling funny things his friend did. That is how I want him to remember him.
  12. I ate asparagus for the first time 2 weeks ago. I have had it almost every day since. The BEST way to cook it...wrap it with a few strips of bacon, place in foil and grill for 20 minutes......yummmy.
  13. God comfort the family and friends of Austin. My son just got home from speaking to his mom and he is taking it hard. Let's all band together to offer love to all involved.
  14. Thank you so much for your prayers and kind words. There are many hurting teenagers right now due to this. Thankfully my son was with some good Godly people from our church today when he got the word and they were able to talk to him. He will also be going to the school counselor tomorrow. These kids just lost another school-mate to cancer a few weeks ago. So much heartache for such young kids. I cannot imagine what this family is going thru. Please pray for his family and for those of us trying to help our teenagers come to terms with this. God Bless.
  15. It has been confirmed that my sons friend lost his life. I know none of the details. I just ask you to pray for the family and friends of this young boy.
  16. My son is devestated. This is not something you know how to handle as a parent. My heart and prayers go out to this boys family and friends.
  17. My son has been told one of his friends lost his life today. I WILL NOT release the boys name. IF you have knowledge of a teenager around Paulding High school who passed away please Message me so I can help my son find answers. THANKS
  18. Is this the subdivision on Mustang??? If so I need to know ASAP, my son is concerned about a friend....
  19. Thanks. Bookworm they do purchase videos if you are interested. And they have a website. mckaybooks.com
  20. May I suggest something to you? There is a large Book Store/flea market in Chattanooga that will buy big lots like these. The name of it is something like MKays/MCameys or very similar. Good luck.
  21. I haven't heard anything but it was really smokey that way earlier. BUT...if I found out they were lying I would raise cain.
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