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Jayden's Mommy

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Everything posted by Jayden's Mommy

  1. Yep AA does a background/credit check. My credit Isnt the greatest and I got in. I was told you can have up to 3 negative accounts on your credit an still pass but no more than that. And no felonies on your criminal history.
  2. Yep I know I worked there for a while. Cloud10 is an employee position too. I have done IC positions though. ChaCha was one. I much prefer being a employee than an IC.
  3. Scentsy is a good one, I llove their stuff!!
  4. As someone that watched the trial everyday, this does not look like her. If it's her, she's already had work done. And SHAME on tmz for acting like this psychopath is a celebrity. I wont go to their website ever again. Not like I did a lot anyways they are scummy.
  5. That page is BUSY. Lots of stuff on there.
  6. They really are! I worked for them doing tech support with their video game client. I was always getting free stuff from them and the pay was decent, it was an awesome job! Yep so true. Independent contractors are taxed very high. I highly recommend working as an employee, not an IC.
  7. Alpine Access, Cloud10, West at Home are all legit WAH jobs. Also go to the workplacelikehome website.
  8. Yep, full blown depression is what's coming. My grandpa told me back in 2007 when housing started to burst, that is what happened in the Great Depression and he said it will get that bad again. He was right on. I am kinda lucky in that we are used to being broke so it's not going to be a culture shock with our family like it will with the people used to living in excess. The USA as we know it is going to 'change' alright. At least Obama got that part right.
  9. I've been saying for 2 years the economy is going to tank. It has been apparent. I would have loved to be wrong but folks it's not getting better anytime soon.
  10. I had it the entire 9 months with all 3 kids. I was really anemic during my pregnancies. Not fun! I lost weight up until the last month.
  11. Right here! Well I was technically born in Cobb County, because Paulding Hospital didnt do births in the late 70s, but I have been here in Paulding ever since I was about 3 days old. My mom and dad were both born at the old hospital in Dallas though where Dallas Dance is now.
  12. If you have a steamer, put a solution of warm water and Dawn liquid and go over all the carpets with it. It will kill them. I use the Adams flea drops on my cats, and they have no fleas. It is way cheaper than Frontline, and works really well. Yep it WORKS! I just posted the same thing, I didnt read thru the thread first.
  13. My 2 elementary kids are off to school. The bus was right on time. They were actually happy to be going back. My middle schooler is a whole different story.
  14. We have issues with On Demand a lot. It just doesn't work about half of the time. I think we had a bad install because the guy did a sloppy job - he used wires that were too long and they look awful, I have to hide them.
  15. There used to be a Publix in Hiram but it closed. Hiram used to have plenty of grocery stores. I shop at the Kroger at 278/61 and I love it, but I am lost in there since they re-arranged everything. If it starts getting too crowded I'll just start going to Triangle in Rockmart or something, but I refuse to get groceries at Walmart. Paulding used to have plenty of smaller type grocers, like Right Way, Winn Dixie, and Food Lion. I miss those!
  16. Walmart is WAY too flexible with their return policy, that's the problem.
  17. I know I probably sound mean but I am sick of it as well. Me and my husband never have a lot of money, we struggle ourselves sometimes and I am so tired of people everywhere asking for money. You can't go to Walmart without someone standing at the door asking for a donation, and there are people asking for money at so many intersections. It does get old, real fast. As far as the people on Goldmine, they have been out there asking for money for at least a week, they need to put some of the cash they are getting to good use and try to make something of themselves instead of just continua
  18. I saw the black man and lady with the signs at 278 and Goldmine today around 3:00. I don't know their story but it sounds like they're professional panhandlers. ???
  19. Captain Jack Sparrow all the way.
  20. Get a lawyer! It took dfcs FOUR YEARS to locate my sons dad and setup a court order for cs. And he lived in Paulding it's not like he was in a different state. And they don't enforce the orders very good either. I've had a horrible experience with dfcs.
  21. I LOVE me some Slim Shady. And don't forget the best rapper ever Tupac. His music had meaning and was smart. Some of it was 'thug' stuff but he was a genius. Em is a close second. I love old school 90s rap - Bone, Dr Dre, Snoop in his Doggystyle days, etc. Of course that was my high school days so I have great memories to that music.
  22. My grandparents have rental properties. Its amazing how many nasty people are out there! And some are just straight buttheads. Like one time, my grandpa had to evict someone for not paying rent, and in spite these people poured bags of unpopped popcorn kernals all over the carpet in every room of the house. How are you supposed to clean up that? It ruins the vacuum! They did it just to get back at my grandpa for having the audacity to evict them for not paying rent for 4 months.
  23. I started giving baby cereal in my babies' bottles at around 6 weeks old. The doctor would have had a cow if he knew, but my mother gave me that advice, and she knew what she was talking about. They started sleeping at night way better after they started the cereal.
  24. I agree. I am an 80s kid and I feel the same way. Things seemed so different then. And the music was RAD! One huge difference today than back then, is people no longer trust each other and people dont talk to each other like they used to. I am from this county born and raised. Back in the 80s, everybody knew each other. I used to walk to the convenience store right by my house and buy my dad's Marlboros. When I was like 8 years old! Man things have changed.
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