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Everything posted by wcso84

  1. I would certainly make an attempt to locate the parent(s). I would investigate the situation, determine if any law(s) has been broken, if I see enough elements to make a case under 16-5-60 or 70 I would take the necessary steps to proceed with making the case. If I observed no law violation I would stress the dangers of leaving children unattended and give an example of how this could go from a non criminal issue to a criminal one relatively quick, answer any questions they may have, interact with the children for a few minutes, maybe give them one of the stuffed animals I keep in my trunk to
  2. Put the abusers of the system on the street, if they have burned all of their bridges and have no one to turn to, tough. If they turn to crime to support themselves and or their habits, maybe people will take more of an interest the protection of their family and home. Either you step up and protect them and yourself from these folks or you become a victim. The notion of letting these leaches continue to abuse the system in order to keep them from committing crimes is horse $hit. A lot of the leaches we support are active criminals anyway. We are headed toward one of two things here in t
  3. The operative word here is “guidelines”. these are no more than suggestions and cannot be enforced by law enforcement, or any one else for that matter.
  4. Not just him, his living environment is a key factor. For some reason I don’t think his life is full of toys and puppy dogs. Probably more like booz, cigarettes, dope, domestic violence and entitlement.what was that quote "children live what they learn" Children Learn What They Live By Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D. If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves. If children live with ridicule,
  5. I certainly hope you are right and I am wrong, but unfortunately there is no way for us to track his development over the next 15 years. If he doesn’t get out of the conditions that he is in now, I believe the odds are stacked against him.
  6. “Why would you say such a thing?? It is a child! Kids are bad sometimes, that doesn't at all mean they are a "thug" or are going to be nothing more than a member of the life of crime.” I inferred that from your quote above. You appear to be saying that because he is a child that there can be no malice in him, that it is ok for children to misbehave, hit ect, that he is just a child and just because he does these things he should not be called the thug that he is based on his age.
  7. She is solely responsible for her actions. It is just sad that because of this derelict kid she was placed in a position to even have a need to have made the bad decision that she made.
  8. I hate to break it to ya but not all kids are angels. I have been in this business long enough to see a generation grow up, those that bully,steel etc as children usually grow up to do the same as adults. Children who are victims usually grow up to be victimized as adults. That is just my observation over the last 25 years in this business. I’m profiling here. I based my opinion on the information I have including the pic. Single mom with at least three children, none of which share her last name, even the first names of the children. I base it on what I see every day. Could I be wrong?
  9. You are missing my point. At NO time did I ever say what the teacher did was a proper course of action. What I said is that a otherwise good teacher was placed in a situation where she made a bad decision because of this little $h1t.
  10. At the rate he is going, not much of a chance. If we could pull off the kid gloves and not worry about being politically correct and get a handle on the problem NOW, there may be a chance. But unfortunately I dont see that happening.
  11. So a good teacher loses a career over a little thug that preys on those weaker than him including females. This little thug will grow up to be a big thug that will prey on others in society, be a lifer on the entitlement system, have a criminal record a mile long and be yet another burden on the system. HUMMM I wonder how Devarious Williams mother, Barbara Mobley pays for the little angel to attend private school, Government vouchers maybe?? Devarious obviously has a history of violence at the tender age of 5, why was this teacher placed in a position to even be having to deal with this Jr.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hafaW1uLE-4
  13. To me, the good ole days were when me and a coupleorthree friends ,with a couple of bucks in quarters between us could spend hours playing a 300 like this one on a summer day at the pool at McKinneys pond. The 300 was/is one of my favorites. Even the reset (the sound you hear at the beginning of the video where the machine sets itself for a new game) is part of the memory of playing, not to mention the sounds of the bells and bumpers. <pure bliss> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPj-8Arrhno&NR=1
  14. Stop trying to make excuses for these people. I live and work in a small community, I know the majority of these folks that I refer to, they are frequent visitors in our judicial system. When you work around a certain demographic for 20+ years you tend to be able to spot people of that demographic anywhere. I can discern a POS criminal leach from a self respecting person who has fallen on hard times.
  15. I live on the grounds of an airport. We have choppers in here M-F from 0600-2200. Anything from the orange and white Bell 206 trainers to the CH-47 Chinook, all out of FT. Rucker Al. My business partner and I manage the airport under contract with the airport authority and own and run the local FBO. I have recently set us up on the contract bid site with the Army and DOD. We are looking at a fuel contract to fuel the Chinooks and Blackhawks. This has the potential to bring a lot of money into the community as well as a six figure yearly income for our company. My point being that KPUJ can be a
  16. I don’t “see” that. What I do see are things like in the pix I posted earlier in this topic. I see the welfare moms in Wal-Mart at 0300 pushing a cart full of high end food items, babies in tow, with a cell phone stuck in her ear. I see her pay for these things with a “dignity card” and then go back after the cash items, cigarettes beer, cosmetics, dvds ect. I know there is no way to regulate it, but the cash these folks have should be put toward the necessities and THEN let the assistance program pick up the rest. If you are on assistance, that implies you cannot afford the necessities on you
  17. I beg to differ, when I am paying folks rent, food bill, and other necessities through my tax dollars, I have a right to expect not to have it thrown back in my face. If they can afford all the “other” stuff they can afford to pay their own dayum bills.
  18. In a way I agree, BUT the vouchers allow them to spend whatever cash they come up with on $hit like drugs, cable tv, bling, stylin cloths, these silly looking nail paintings I see a lot of them with, cell phones, video games etc. so the system is still enabling them, by relieving them of the burden of having to purchase the necessities of life with their cash, the government gives them vouchers to cover this which frees up their cash. Bottom line is (I think we are in agreement) the program needs to be administered with oversight and be tightly regulated to insure those who need it get it and
  19. Start with that group. That would take a load off the system there. Most who are on the system and not on drugs are of the mindset to get off the system asap. The lifers are usualy the ones into drugs. So get that group off and see wahat happens from there.
  20. If they come back hot on a test you “pop tha tittay out they mouth” ( a little play on a quote from the movie Major Payne.) No more taxpayer $$$ for them.
  21. As far as drug testing goes, I think ANYONE who has dominion over the general population, be it politicians or law enforcement officers should be tested regularly. I have nothing to hide, and if it will help instill a little more confidence in law enforcement I have no problem showing the people I serve that I am drug free. As far as people who make the laws that I am governed by and must also enforce I would like to know that their decisions are not affected by a chemical dependency problem.
  22. Is far as dying in the streets, for someone to get to the point of dying in the street, someone who has no one that thinks enough of them to lend a hand, this person has obviously burned a lot of bridges. That is the problem with a lot of these folks, they live the wild life for years and when they get to the point of being in the streets with nothing they have burned all their bridges, alienated any friends or relatives that may be in a position to have helped them (and probably had tried to help prior). Now they become our “obligation”? I don’t think so. I say this, if a person winds up in
  23. Here lies the difference. All of you “older” folks talk about “back when” and “we got off of it” and “father was embarrassed”. These folks were of a different mindset. There is no shame these days when it comes to the leaches on the system, and those that want to out get out do with hard work and perseverance. Although my parents provided a comfortable upbringing for my sister and I free from government aid, my dad could not say the same for his childhood. My dad was born at Grady hospital to sharecroppers from Mississippi. When they moved to Atlanta MawMaw worked various labor jobs and my
  24. Please show me in our constitution where it is my responsibility to take care of anyone but MYSELF and those I choose to help ie, family and friends or others of my choosing. Please show me what authorizes (constitutionally) the government to TAKE from me MY earnings and redistribute it to the less fortunate. Get the government out of the charity business and let charity work in the private sector. Most of the HAVES are willing to help the HAVENOTS, as long as they know their charitable contributions are not being squandered. The leaches of society have broken the charitable nature of even the
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