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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. No. That was an earlier call in a subdivision off 92South. I never heard anything more about that!
  2. Am I the only one who thinks this has been the perfect Pcom thread? We've been flabbergasted, laughed, cried, posted pictures, reminisced about times gone by, and chalked it all up to typical Paulding County. That about wraps it up, folks!
  3. That was it! Hilary Duff visits Austin Middle School 2007
  4. Wow! It's crazy out there! A little girl has called in that her dad - who's drunk - has locked her and her brother/sister out of the house. He's beating up their mother and has a knife. She called back to say she can hear the beating. I can't imagine what those poor kids are going through.
  5. I'm old. I can't remember! It was somebody that middle schoolers thought was really cool! He doesn't have the mullet! He's safe!!!
  6. :lol: Not yet! I still remember the HUGE pig that was loose on Hwy 61 a few years ago. The funny thing was, there was some celebrity that had made a surprise visit to Austin Middle (I think that was the school) and I wondered if she happened to see that sight! LOL
  7. While all this was going on, a call came in for a car with 5 or 6 people in it riding suspiciously around a subdivision. Just a couple of minutes before another complainant called in to say the occupants of this car were slashing tires! Just a typical Friday in Paulding Co., I guess!
  8. Okay, here's what I have so far.... A call came in from around Old Villa Rica Rd. It was a 10-10 (fight.) Deputies were in pursuit (the car turned on Vernoy Aiken/Hay Renfroe Rd.) The deputy in pursuit lost sight of the car. During that, a call came in from the Petro that a man had held another man at knife point and taken the victim's cell phone. A deputy on his way to help in the pursuit of the first call spotted the perp walking south on 61. It was originally thought that the two calls were related, but now they think they are separate. I'm going to listen to more. I th
  9. This is the one with the car wash approaching Hwy 278. (Just before Vernoy Aiken Rd.) He called back to say there were 7 cars total: 2 City of Dallas and 5 county cars on scene. I'm off to the archives!
  10. Several deputies, one of the SO SUVs, etc. Lots of commotion. Does anybody know?
  11. You were the first person I thought of..... Joe will be perfect!
  12. You can usually have papers notarized at your bank for free!
  13. I thought the same thing! When I was younger, my mom would have known before I got to school. She would have called, and the principal would have had me in the office. Now that I'm a parent, I wish we had that kind of small town feel. Everybody looked out for everybody. (And one day these kids will realize that BS did them a favor!)
  14. I've said it before, and I'll say it again....we have an EXCELLENT sheriff's department. I've never had anything but good experiences with all of the deputies and staff. I have found them to be educated and professional in all they do!
  15. I'm pretty sure he said in the original topic that the speeding teen was stopped by the traffic light, and the OP ended up behind him waiting for the light to change.
  16. His appointment is at 10:00 in Lithia Springs. They told us to expect a couple of hours. I'll take him back to school, and if you guys are still there, I'll join you for lunch!
  17. Oh, I'll miss you guys again! The 15 year old is getting his braces off - after more than 3 1/2 years - so I don't think he'd be happy with me if I change his appointment to hang out with my Pcom peeps! Have a great time! You've been there before, when it was under previous ownership.
  18. We ate lunch there today! As usual, it was delicious! Thanks for giving us a yummy, affordable option for lunch!
  19. Okay, so we have some of the expected teen angst going on in our household. Apparently, our rules are "STUPID" and (surpise) "NOBODY else has rules like ours!" So, it just made me wonder.....what type of limits do you have for your teenagers? I'm looking for bedtime, curfews, phone limits, texting guidelines, internet access, expected chores, etc. Give me what ya got!
  20. Yesterday, I called our county DOT with a request. The street where I live is off of a state highway. It can be tricky pulling in and out, trying to avoid traffic. Sometime over the weekend, some "quick dry" was spread at the entrance to the road. (I'm not sure if there was an accident or another incident.) With the rain, I had a very difficult time pulling out onto the highway. I slipped and slid, and almost had an accident. Later, I talked with my husband, and he also commented on the difficulty he had leaving for work. I was hesitant to bother anyone, but I decided for s
  21. I've been listening to the scanner, and I haven't heard anything out of the ordinary. Just regular scanner traffic. If there was an emergency situation, normal protocol would be to clear the channel for anything other than the emergency traffic.
  22. I saw all the SO cars there on my way home about 6:00pm. I listened to the archives. All I could understand them to say was they had gotten several calls about the man at that location. One deputy went to the scene and called for another unit, but said he was fine. He said the guy was just doing doughnuts in his front yard. Several other units radioed in that they were "on scene" but no other traffic that I've heard.
  23. Sorry! I've been busy, and I missed anything else with this. It seems it wasn't as bad as first reported. Our deputies are really busy today. Lots of stuff going on!
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