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I'm Floored

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Everything posted by I'm Floored

  1. It's absolutely beautiful! You are so talented!
  2. We've done a lot of the houses in that area. It is a hike to Arbor Place from there, and when you add in Douglasville traffic, you're talking almost an hour from the interstate. I don't know about all the short cuts, etc, so it might not be THAT bad, but if you like easy access, it might not be the one for you. But it is a BEAUTIFUL area, and if you don't mind the drive, it would be worth it!
  3. It really depends on her personality. I've always been a "classic" kind of gal, and have ALWAYS loved pearls! Believe it or not, I would take them over a diamond any day. (Although I have a strong appreciation for the sparkle, too!) I think pearls are a beautiful and thoughtful gift!
  4. Yes. I always click that one. In the past, I stay logged in until I sign out. Now, I have to log back on everytime I turn on my computer. (And starting today, I've gone to read threads that I previously read to find that I can't reply, and when I look - I'm not logged in!)
  5. Aw, you are so sweet. I'm not in a bad mood. In fact, I'm pretty happy right now. I just feel awful. I woke up at 2:30 with a sore throat, headache & neckache, so I'm afraid it may be strep. But my man is out in Atlanta today, so I have to man the store. If you come to see me, just keep your distance!
  6. You know I HATE cheese! Did you see me the other day? I waved & waved, but I wasn't sure you knew it was me!
  7. So funny you should mention this! One of my BFFs told me the other day about this book, not even realizing that Pat Conroy is my favorite author. She said it's absolutely one of her top 3 books ever, so I'll be borrowing it soon. :wub: Pat Conroy! The way he writes - to me - is like choreography with words!!!
  8. Until the upgrade to the new board, I've never had problems staying logged on to Pcom. Now, everytime I reboot my computer, I have to log in again. Now, it's logging me off for no reason! Does anybody know what I can do to fix it? (It wouldn't be that big of a deal if I didn't have to go in and log into EVERY forum I want on EVERY TIME!!!)
  9. Wow! I know reading this article had to be hard. You already knew it was bad, but to read the details of what she went through and what first responders found when they arrived has to be extremely difficult. You know that we are continuing to pray for Cherie. Thanks for the updates. Let us know what you all need!
  10. I DON'T FEEL GOOD! I'm alone at the office, and trying to be productive, but it's hard - especially on a day like this. Since this is (somewhat) anonymous, I thought it would be safe to vent. Thanks for listening.
  11. I don't LOL often, but that got me! :rofl: :rofl:
  12. I am certain that the officer involved in this shooting handled the incident professionally and fired with just cause. I know enough about LEOs to know that he was saddened to have to take the life of any human being - even when given no other alternative. I can also understand the sentiment expressed in this thread given such calamities as the case surrounding the Courthouse shooter in Atlanta.
  13. Yes, I should have added that. A Seattle policeman encountered him this morning, and fired 7 shots (if I remember correctly from the press conference.) He was pronounced dead at the scene by first responders.
  14. This statement has been released by Mike Huckabee: The nation was stunned by the senseless and savage cold-blooded murders of 4 young police officers in Lakewood, Washington. Whenever a police officer or soldier is killed, I feel the loss is even more profound for they are the ones who stand between our freedom and anarchy. At the time I write these words, police are still searching for Maurice Clemmons who is believed to be the one committing these unspeakable acts. Nine years ago, that name crossed my desk. I commuted his sentence from 108 years to 47 years. Many news reports, talk s
  15. Sounds like a collaborative effort such as a multi-county DUI task force.
  16. You know, the thing is, when you go to the doctor, it's not like he says, "So you found a lump? Okay, schedule a mammogram!" No, HE does an exam himself, and then determines what needs to happen from there. Oh, I need to quit opening this thread. I'm afraid I have many more years of growing angrier and more bitter about these changes!
  17. And you know why....because if we find something through a self breast exam, we will go to our doctor and he'll want to do (guess what) a MAMMOGRAM!
  18. Another change is that mammograms were recommended every year after age 50 before. This guideline changes it to every other year.
  19. I think it's the first in a lot of changes that will be implemented following the vote for socialized medicine in this country. I do not agree with it on so many levels, but don't have the time to go into it in detail right now. I'm also outraged, and I'm surprised I haven't heard more of the same from others.
  20. Praying for you and your family during this hard time.
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