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Everything posted by OldGoat99

  1. I really need them, But if I don't need them all I will let you know. I will be by to pick them up about 4-4-30ish
  2. You don't work for the government do you?
  3. Hey save I can use them Please hold for me. I have some big stuff to ship this week. sending a PM for time and directions.
  4. I will be calling after my new roof is put on next week. I agree it should not be based on value, but what is the value based on? It seems a bit off when you think of the two. I am insured for about 75K more than the county full value. I have full replacement also.
  5. I love it.... The internet is a way, to if nothing else point out to many how a big company may get away with something for a little bit. It also gives the little guy a big voice if done correctly. I hope United sales area affected by this video.
  6. 30 positions? that's a lot... Not being funny or anything how many do we have? I did not think we had more then 50. This is not funny at all to lose that many. There is always some fat to cut, but 30 is cutting more then I would like. __________________________________________________________ If only Cobb would do the same...... Wait they have the money machine. Maybe we should just do the same for all Cobb tagged cars... They don't live here and we can use it to support the force like they do. Seriously.... They ticket like it is a money maker we should just limit our
  7. First off I feel real badly for you... That totally sucks. As a word of advice. Please folks don't carry that kind of cash around.... I would hate losing $20, forget $600 My son was lucky once and left his wallet with about $600 in it on the roof of his car... Got lucky and some folks turned it in minus $50, but he learned a hard lesson cheaply. He rarely cares more then $50 now. I don't know why you had that much cash with you, and I hope you were on the way to the bank. Good luck and hope the wallet turns up.
  8. That last one was hard.... learned about David Copperfield.... Neat guy too.
  9. Sorry not too many replies. But I think it was David Copperfield 1983 David Hussein Kotkin The Secrets of ALKAZAR Allan Zola Kronzek
  10. I just love that the speculators that had drove the price to the mid $70's last week are taking a huge hit this week.
  11. I love it... looks like the price per barrel is down to $63.82 right now.... That means a ton of speculators have lost there butts recently. It could not have happen to a better group of people either. This means gas prices are going to drop back to reasonable prices soon. YEA http://www.oil-price.net/
  12. I take pictures of the idiots cars and then if one day I come up on an accident they are in. I will stop for the police report and to let them know I saw some of the stupid driving they were doing.
  13. Well the thing is they need to make use of it and finish the job. It can bring money to the area if it is done right . It is just a flat top now. If they let it go it will be a huge waste of money.
  14. I still vote for Cobb county.... The amount of money they make in fines and forfeitures is mind boggling. Always some where in the 13-17 millions dollar range a year. Thats over a million a month. That is a county made on tickets...
  15. Do it right. They are both lighted.
  16. Although this is a good project this is government taking money which was meant for one type of item and using it for another. If it was not for Pcom I would have no idea they were diverting this money. Then the other question is what other money do they divert and for what reason we have no idea. This is the tax and spend garbage that I hate. Although a good reason. Then again our great Airport and that money is working well for us. (NOT) That was money well spent... right... I just don't like all the shuffling of money. Oh the heck with it. Lets vote for another tax so th
  17. How did a 1LT get into a retired status? This guy is full of it. He got off easy IMO The second one sentencing is what I like to see. They are there to server and protect and should get twice or more time if caught. Thanks for the share.
  18. I take looking in my wife's purse as personal territory. I don't want her in my wallet. Same principal Most guys look at it the same way.
  19. RIP It is always too soon for someone to go no matter how old they are.
  20. Enjoy http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?...mp;source=jl999
  21. LOL Ah that's why...
  22. I use the cheap and reliable stuff. ASA acetylsalicylic acid Acetaminophen Aspirin Works wonders and has few side affects...
  23. I have Microsoft Money and they are no longer going to put out new versions. So I am thinking of changing over to Quicken for my home finances and wondered if anyone used it and if they also printed the checks etc., I don't want to have to buy new checks. TIA
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