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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. If you would just give him a damn cookie he would be your friend
  2. Aww he is a big baby..Want me to come talk to him?
  3. I'll bet there will not be much of a "rush hour".
  4. solosoul


    well it is not often ( OK never happened before) that KRM is speechless. So were you napping and dreaming you were looking in car windows????
  5. solosoul


    Have you been looking in cars again?
  6. We have the same one LOL..off Hiram Sudie here
  7. Yards and cars can be fixed ..it is all the other small kids that could be hurt or killed that I do not think they could pay for.
  8. Lets see..because they do not want their yards dug up? Would rather not have a child killed or hurt because a teen THOUGHT he had control of the 4 wheeler while flying and sliding on the road and did not...or maybe you parked your car so you could get out if needed and you really would not like to see some smart ass crash into your car with a wheeler doing donuts...Hmmmm..that just may be a couple of reasons.
  9. Burnt rubber stinks to high heaven....how he did not smell it is beyond me.
  10. You know it is one thing to have fun..heck that is what snow is all about. But PLEASE make sure your kids are not being stupid. 4 wheelers are great but doing donuts when cars are parked on the street in not a smart move. Flying up and down the street when kids are sliding down driveways and playing is just asking for trouble..nothing funny or cute about being stupid.
  11. Or with all the NUTS out on 4 wheelers doing donuts..Someone is going to hit a car or a kid around here if they keep at it. Hope Mom and dad can pay for the damage
  12. great site to check roads around Atlanta http://www.georgia-navigator.com/cameras/20
  13. Heck I HOPE his insurance company sees the vid and tells him no way will they pay for what he did to his car. http://www.11alive.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=172321&catid=40
  14. Here is the STUPID nut that burned his car up http://www.11alive.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=172321&catid=40
  15. Just stay away from water unless you are going to take pictures for us.
  16. Demon ( Great Dane) has been in and out the whole time. It is funny watching him sort of hop in places. I think he is still searching for his new girlfriend who was over here last night til about 10:30. I think he is worried she is lost out there in the in the snow. Sherri if you read this tell Jada that Demon misses her.
  17. They just had a call about some Nut doing donuts on Marshalfuller Road who almost hit some one else.
  18. You would think they would call back and let the LE know if they left ...They went to Ridge Road and Dallas Nebo looking for a wreck and by the time they got there no one was there....What a waste.
  19. Wonder if you hubby and my son will end up working together. My son had to be in at 6 tonight with his bag packed.
  20. It is ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry.
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