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Everything posted by solosoul

  1. and short and could not understand anything IT said..hmmmmmm... We may be on to something
  2. OK that would have to be gross. IT would be messy. is IT a messy smelly Dutch?
  3. OK just had a flash of cousin IT getting his rump kissed and was not a pretty picture. LOL Anyone remember Cousin IT? Never could understand a word IT said?
  4. With parents like that they may not have those twins long after that are loose on the road. Just hope no one else has to pay the price.
  5. Yep IT again...IT must have bent over and caught the breeze as the lips started to fly to the uncover part.
  6. Things must be bad because IT is getting. I don't think boots will work at this rate may need a boat..hope it has paddles
  7. Then stay away from them. I know someone who took the course and as soon as they finish they were told EVERYONE has to dress up and stand on the street. The course was NOT what it should have been. A very very easy course and I would never let anyone like that do my taxes.
  8. See I remember that as well. I know I also was posting a hell of a lot of info at that time as well. Heck We have been posting from the scanner for years..nice to know how much it has been appreciated. Hell anyone can listen to the scanner without PCOM free....it is what I have been doing for YEARS. I just love this type of BS. Hey maybe we should do a search and send WSB the links so they know for a fact how well it was covered on PCOM thanks to members.
  9. The way I see it is that the state is already frivolous enough with my money so at least this way it is ME being frivolous and not them.
  10. Those who lie often try to find a good reason to lie...
  11. It is for a bunch of drunks to sing. Then it seems to mean a lot.
  12. No but I my daughter never had any more problems either.
  13. I had a kid who pulled a hunk of hair out of my daughters head... I had no problem getting on that bus and telling that child what would happen if they every so much as looked at my chid again.
  14. My child would not have to be disabled for me to take up for them.
  15. Can I go there and have them remove what ever "offends" me?
  16. I can tell you that you are wrong. Been there and NEVER did that. Sorry not worth my time and trouble.
  17. You hve to do the "what if" because if he gets away with it in court then anyone else could get away with also. Court cases are like that you know.It is all about how the laws hold up in court. Your question I would say she will have to prove she does not keep herself signed in. She will have to show he stole her password,used a program that copies keystrokes or in some way did it without her knowing.
  18. OK people I guess everyone seems to be missing the point. Forget the cheating thing. Do you think it is OK for ANYONE to do this to you? You can not say it is OK for this guy but not Ok for anyone else to do it to you. If I put a password on something then yes I have the right to expect that only me or who I give the password has the right to read it. That IS kind of the point of a password.
  19. So you would have no problems if I decided to do the same things to you? Or is it only husband and wives who THINK they are being cheated on that should be allowed to do this? See I Hate a cheater but I also know that he had not right to do what he did.I think there should be laws against this type of thing and stiff punishment for it.
  20. Think about this..what if I decide to do that to YOU...just because I can?
  21. Sorry but he had no right to do it and I would have no problem with him getting into trouble for it.
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