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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The best part of Christmas is giving to others. Let me wish y'all a Merry Christmas!
  2. Kermit wishes everyone Merry Christmas!
  3. Let me say Merry Christmas! to all!
  4. Let me say Merry Christmas! everyone here on P.com!
  5. Let me say Merry Christmas! to each and every one of you!
  6. Let me just say Merry Christmas! to everyone
  7. Didn't he tell us he was exempt from the P.com rules?
  8. It appears it might be the ad server. When it appears to be 'stuck', the msg at the bottom of firefox says "Transferring data from adserv2.paulding.com"
  9. markdavd


    That should be a quick trip - there won't be anything left on the shelves.
  10. Not just location, but just as importantly, First Impressions.
  11. Them dat's been sittin roun doing nofin says they ain't neber been trikled on - it's jus' tha rich folk gein richer from all tha trikels.
  12. I'm explaining what goes on on the web site. Look at the screen shot I just posted. It was taken at 9:01. You're telling me they already had they 9:00 flight listed as late? Every flight I can find that leaves prior to the current time shows "Past Schedule"
  13. Here:s a screen shot from 9:00 am: "Past Schedule" does not mean the flight is or was late. It means that the current time is past the scheduled departure time and you can no longer book that flight.
  14. It wouldn't have something to do to the fact that the departure of all flights into NY are delayed would it? Air traffic control delays should not count against the on time performance of an airline.
  15. I don't suppose she has the receipts with the serial numbers. If so, you should be able to call and cancel them and have them reissued.
  16. I wonder how many potential customers they've lost because the shelves are such chaos? Deals or not, if it's disorganized and looks like junk on the shelves, many potential customers will assume it's junk. The store I was in was so dirty looking, I couldn't wait to get out. Don't get me started about the stupid 'No guns allowed' sign on the door. I believe there was a discussion here about that a few years ago.
  17. I've been in one of them one time. The shelves were such disorganized chaos I never felt a need to go back.
  18. I wonder if you can file a police report. At least try to call the folks. They may have paid someone else to haul it off assuming they were going to dispose of it legally.
  19. The weather reports I was hearing last night left a better than even chance the temp would rise enough that the roads would be clear at sunrise. That alone means making the call to cancel last night would have been premature. Nobody could really know what the roads would be like until the sun comes up, which means the 2 hour delay was the smartest move to make. The schools are going all out to notify everyone in a timely manner. I've been getting calling post calls all morning, I've heard about it on the radio and read about it here. It simply comes down to if someone doesn't want to b
  20. I've seen the video and can't help but wonder if he never had any intention of shooting anyone other than maybe himself.
  21. We just got the calling post call on this.
  22. If any of them said they workked for Atlanta Gas AND Light, they have nothing to do with the company. There is no AND in the name.
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