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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Here's another trailer from the movie: http://www.atlasshruggedpart1.com/atlas-shrugged-movie-trailer
  2. Y'all can't show where other islamic groups are speaking against this proposal so you attack the poster? How sad.
  3. That's why other islamic groups need to start speaking out against them. You get other Christians speaking against them. Where are the Muslims speaking against this group?
  4. After years of waiting, Atlas Shrugged is being made into a movie. Part 1 opens April 15th. It's set in the near future, but I hope it stays close enough to the book to send a strong message to the world. We'll know how close to the book it is by how much the liberals progressives and their minions in the press try to tear it apart. A preview can be seen here: http://bighollywood.breitbart.com/jerikson/2011/03/04/atlas-shrugged-part-1-review-a-timely-must-see/
  5. Unbelievable. Can anyone show me Islamic Groups speaking out against this madness? The Islamic Demolition of the Statue of Liberty From the article:
  6. The numbers don't add up. We're told that 220,000 new private sector jobs were created, 30,000 public sector lost, but other reports show only 300,000 total new jobs created since November. Also, a Gallop poll yesterday showed an unemployment rate of over 10%. Details on these curious numbers can be found here: Contentions Jobs Report — Strange Once Again
  7. I tracked down more on it. They are opening up 5000 more spots, but there are 84,000 students enrolled, and a 10,000 student waiting list. Schools may or may not add a 2nd time slot. It looks like some of the 2 1/2 hours they're cutting will be in 'rest time' and meals, so academics won't be affected as much as it sounds.
  8. Did you read that somewhere? If not, I don't think changing to 2 shifts of kids would save any money, which is what they're trying to do. Also, if you add about an hour between shifts for transition, you'd have 9+ hour days for teachers and administrators.
  9. I've seen folks following me doing the same thing - paying more attention to their passenger than to the road. Of course, their momma tought them that the polite thing to do is look someone in the eyes when you're talking to them.
  10. If you think of Pre-K not as teaching the kids specific things, but preparing the children for the school environment, 4 Hours isn't too bad. For those looking to switch to a church based pre-school, if you're in the East Paulding area, I understand that County Line UMC still has openings for next year.
  11. So what you're really saying that your particular business is picking up because the poultry industry is looking to increased production in the future costs by making minor capital purchases now. Again, congratulations, but improvement of one part of one industry still does not map to the entire economy. I do agree the government needs to stop subsidizing ethanol. If it can't make it on it's own, it costs too much. Enjoy your trip, but I would suggest not getting into any duels with your banjo.
  12. What I hear you saying is that your particular business is picking up because the poultry industry is saving on future costs by making minor capital purchases now. Congratulations, but improvement of one part of one industry does not map to the entire economy.
  13. Interesting, I feel the same way about organic. It's shown to have more bugs and other non-food matter.
  14. The first thing that came to mind was how many man hours did ABC put into finding the Made in America stuff, and how much did they pay for it all. It seems if you wanted to do that, all your free time would be spent tracking down Made in America merchandise.
  15. You're right, we won't agree. My point was if they aren't open when people need something and their competition is, they can't expect to remain in business very long. Don't blame the big box stores for their poor business decisions. Also, if they make customers uncomfortable, they won't come back. The few times in the past that I was in there their so called experts knew less than I did about the topic. Where do you take your kids for shoes that has salesmen who measure their feet? I didn't know they still existed.
  16. You're saying if you need to fix something, and know exactly what you need, you'll do without until you can go somewhere just so your kids will be called by name? If you're not sure what you need, and can't describe it sufficiently to get an answer the first time, why blame the store? Ace screwed up years ago by not being open when I needed something. I've also been in one where they followed me around like they thought I was stealing from them - anything but customer friendly.
  17. Thanks for responding. As I said earlier, talking cruise lines is no different that discussing Ford vs Chevy, Apple vs Mac or Baptist vs Presbyterian. If you're unhappy with the service, you can easily change the gratuities. They even tell you that. Not sure about the international fees. I've never seen that. You're right about the automatic 15% on many items, including bar drinks, but I my last cruise, I had many purchases that did not include the 15%.
  18. As I said, closing early teaches the potential customers to just go to the big box stores. Don't expect them to keep track of when you're open and not. If I have to go one way to ace and another way to a store I know for sure is open, which one will I pick?
  19. A better quote would be to "Judge not, lest you be judged by the same measure(or standard)"
  20. Can you give us details about these 'hidden' charges?
  21. If they want to compete, they need to keep the same hours as the big stores. Years ago, the ace hardware stores I tried to go to closed early, like at 6:00 or 7:00. All they did was get folks used to going to the big box stores for what they needed.
  22. I think I remember reading that Code Red is a little more fine tuned than other services. When you sign up, you enter your address, and you only get alerts that affect the area you live. If an alert is issued that only affects North Paulding -- Central and South Paulding won't be called. Weather Radio and other alerts are given for the entire county or even region.
  23. Redbox = $1.00 per dvd per day. 2 movies for 30 days = $60.00. I hope she was mad at the son and not redbox. BTW - how much are Blockbuster's fees if you keep 2 movies for 30 days?
  24. Does this mean you were disappointed when they stopped carrying video tapes? A person not keeping up is not the same as a business not keeping up with it's competitors. How much would you be willing to pay to rent a DVD in order to keep that same level of customer service? Retail stores and Good employees aren't cheap.
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