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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. The far-left organization that calls itself stateintegrity.org should be made illegal because of all the foggy-brained, gullible people they've duped into believing their made-up garbage.
  2. I guess that means everybody is a minority now.
  3. Most have learned to let TP just live in his fog without disturbing him. He had posted 5 or 6 times on his own topic without anyone interrupting him before Pubby combined them all.
  4. Every indication is he did stop following Martin. It's Martin who came back and took matters into his own hands.
  5. If you saw a stranger walking slowly in the rain staring into your windows, you wouldn't think anything of it?
  6. Meaning - someone from the neighborhood watch might see the suspicious activity and call 911, giving a description and keeping in eye on the guy until told he doesn't have to follow. In the meantime, the suspicious guy sees the neighborhood watch person on the phone, confronts him and starts pounding his face and head? Where's the trained investigator?
  7. We pay taxes so someone can walk in the rain peering into our windows?
  8. According to the 911 transcript it was raining and he was walking slowly, peering into people's windows. To a casual observer, that would look very suspicious. Especially in a neighborhood that had a number of recent break ins.
  9. New Jersey is now looking at either wasting more tax dollars (in the form of tax credits) trying to rescue a failing industry or let it fail. State officials look for path to rescue market for solar incentive So far none of these pie-in-the-sky promises of 'green' energy has proven feasible. If alternative energy delivered even half of what it promised, government subsidies and shell-game like energy 'credits' would not be necessary. In fact investors would be lined up with their checkbooks. I'd say this should push NJ way down on the integrity list.
  10. Do some research - many of those so called 'learned' men have been shown to have falsified their data, and their theories have been disprove over and over by real scientists. Others went along before realizing they were being mislead, then removed their names from the list. I know of one case where a scientist got his dog signed on as an 'expert.' Of course, your beloved press doesn't see fit to cover any of this, choosing again to ignore the truth to their own downfall.
  11. It's been proven over and over that over 90% of the carbon in the atmosphere is due to natural causes, and that is a stable percentage. It's only egotistical men who think we actually have any real impact on it. Then there's the inconvenient fact that historically, higher carbon in the atmosphere does not correlate with higher temperatures. That's not the same as turning food into fuel. It remains food.
  12. It's about what gets the most viewers and sells the most commercials. The best show in history would be cancelled if nobody watches it.
  13. Using food as fuel is a terrible idea. Especially since we have plenty of fuel available if the government will let us access it: GAO: Recoverable Oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming 'About Equal to Entire World’s Proven Oil Reserves' (I can't wait to see how dizzy pubby makes himself trying to explain why we should never use this natural resource.)
  14. The first thing that needs to happen is the rates need to be brought in line with what it really costs to move that letter or package from one address to another. Quit subsidizing it with taxpayer money. Next the employees need to be held to the same standard as the competition. Do not allow the union to protect workers who are unwilling to do the work the job requires. Finally, the entire organization needs to be held accountable for the number of lost or damaged packages.
  15. No complaints with Uverse here.
  16. I don't trust any of these so called humane societies when they start using undercover tactics like this. There have been too many cases where they set the whole thing up to make a company look bad and to get publicity for themselves. I will continue to believe it was a set-up until an independent investigation proves otherwise.
  17. Having the resources to sustain a loss and allowing deliberate abuse of the main product are two different things. GM or Ford wouldn't allow an employee to get away with intentionally damaging new cars while on the assembly line, and neither would a farm continually allow the type of abuse seen in that video.
  18. The so-called expert panel based their opinion strictly on the video? They haven't interviewed the management and other employees of the facility? Recent history tells me the person involved in the cruelty was most likely a plant. I'll wait on a through independent investigation before I believe otherwise.
  19. http://paulding.com/forum/index.php/topic/287825-bad-accident/page__view__findpost__p__3634786
  20. Just because an organization is 'non-profit' doesn't mean they don't take other people's money. It just means they don't have any left after they pay themselves. They have to go begging for funding and are more liable to produce the results their big dollar donors demand. In fact, it looks like a major donor to States Integrity org. is the Omidyar Network which has big time ties to George Soros, the man who's tried to single-handily bring down more than one major world power by messing with their economies.
  21. Many people claim there is no such thing as an honest politician, and the minute one is elected, their integrity goes out the window. Whether or not that's true is easily debatable. What we really need is a return to an honest/unbiased press. They're the ones really putting personal preferences and greed before the needs of the American people. It's the press that's supposed to keep the government honest.
  22. What credentials does this so-called "State Integrity Organization' have that qualify them to judge each state's integrity? What standards do they use? Who funds them?
  23. IIRC, the chef who stared this came up with the name and it stuck. The irony is he would not think twice about eating beef heart, kidney, tongue, sweat-breads (glands) and other parts most Americans would find disgusting.
  24. In other words, if - like in other cases - they had planted someone to be cruel to the animals on camera, all one member had to do was call another member 'anonymously' and say they thought there was abuse going on.
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