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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Plagiarism is theft. Use whatever prayer you wish when talking to God. Give credit to the source when posting online, because God does indeed mind.
  2. Putting Fat (or Phat) in your name is a turn off to many. One of my family members won't go near a place that's done that. We never did to to Fatback's because of that.
  3. You mean "Let's sell guns to drug runners. What bad can come from that?"
  4. Some people work their 8 hours and go home. All they know is when you're at work, you work. When your shift is up, you go home and forget about the job until your next shift. They cannot fathom someone who averages 60-80 hours a week taking time in the middle of the day to do something personal, like cutting the grass. Their minds cannot grasp anything other than a conventional work day and work week. Likewise, if you have a company credit card, it had better only be used for company business and nothing that even appears to be personal or you're doing something wrong.
  5. What do they do with folks who apply, have a clean record but are greatly overqualified? I know of a number of places that won't hire them out of fear they would leave as soon as the economy picks up.
  6. Very few in Rome act like Romans today. They either act like Italians or Tourists. I wonder how many laws they have dealing with integrity? What would their report card say?
  7. I imagine he was a big investor in those banks and would have gladly kicked folks who weren't paying their mortgages onto the street. He didn't become a mulch-billionaire by coddling those who didn't meet their obligations.
  8. The only person they take seriously is the multi-billionaire and convicted felon that funds their biased organization.
  9. Unless the appropriate jurisdiction can and will prosecute, the Do No Call list is worthless. Yes. And politicians.
  10. I agree - they don't give up their right to free speech, but they need to realize many won't take them seriously.
  11. The biggest problem with ignore is you still see the topics started by the people.
  12. Molehill - A 'study' that was paid for by a multi-billionaire and convicted felon. The results of that 'study' make no sense in the real world. States who's corruption is known world-wide come up on top. That 'Study' has been ignored by most of the country who sees it for what it is. Mountain - a retired gentleman on p.com latches on to that 'study' and forces it into every conversation he can. He blames the conclusion of the 'study' for every bad thing that happens in the state, no matter that the facts say different.
  13. He is making excuses. Notice how he tried to make the story about me and not the Clintons? Other facts that were ignored by the so-called main-stream press included the fact that Clinton seeking out he stars so he could have his pictures taken with them.
  14. Really. I guess in your mind, if the New York Times didn't report it, it didn't happen: Bill Clinton SURROUNDED BY PORN STARS Former Hilary Clinton Intern Becomes A Porn Star
  15. I can just imagine one of these conversations: Friend - "Hey Postman - did you see the Braves last night?" TP - "No. Did you know that Georgia is at the bottom of the integrity list?" "No, I didn't. What do you base that on?" "There was a study that shows Georgia is at the Bottom of the list, and New Jersey is at the top." "I find that hard to believe. What did they base that study on?" "See - Georgia's report card puts them at the bottom of the list." 'OK - - -Have a nice day" A week later. Same friend: "Hey Postman - how have you been?" TP - "Fine.
  16. Go whatever day you want, but IIRC, Tuesday is one of the busiest days.
  17. The companies may be taking applications, but who are they actually hiring?
  18. N/M I should have just let Eddie B, WT and TP continue having a conversation with himself.
  19. The only thing that matters to TP is a single study funded by the convicted felon George Soros. The study started with the goal of placing New Jersey and Illinois a the top of their list. They found if they based their study strictly on the number of laws in place they would get the outcome they wanted. Unfortunately, there are too many gullible people who ignore the facts and make this study the center of their lives.
  20. One Union fighting another over 2 jobs: Longshoremen file suit while clogging Northwest cargo at Port of Portland This is probably costing the local economy hundreds of thousands of dollars just because the longshoremen decide to have a temper tantrum over who gets to plug in refrigerators. Can any of the pro-union folks explain how this is OK?
  21. On a related topic: How young Obama decided to ‘become black’ and obsessively listened to Bob Marley after being branded ‘Oreo’ by black students at university
  22. That shows how bad things are when celebrate finding a decent job we can apply for.
  23. Keep in mind the term Alien was used to designate someone from another country centuries before it was used as someone from outer space.
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