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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. There's an awful lot of uncertainty in those statements. I was there last night and two things are for sure - there are no NO PARKING signs where the patrol car was parked, and the car in the picture would not have been blocking the gate in question. TP - if you want to take your 'better' camera and provide pictures proving differently, feel free. Otherwise you need to realize I've been there and seen the area and apparently you haven't.
  2. On grey Thursday, there were at least 4 sheriffs cars parked on the sidewalk and in the fire lane of the Dallas Highway wal*mart. Where was the photographer then? Should they have been ticketed and towed. I wasn't there, but my guess is someone could have had a field day with 'illegally' parked police and sheriff's cars at the Dallas Christmas Parade today.
  3. I can tell you for sure that sign does not say NO PARKING! It says something to the effect "Do not block, fire exit." Other than the main entrances, every door on that building has the same sign, whether it makes sense or not. The car is forward of that exit and is not blocking the door.
  4. There are no parking signs in the picture? When you examine the photo and measure the spacing of the sections of the fence, it is very clear that the door on the garden center fence is clearly not blocked by the car. The car is forward of that 'exit.' BTW - what if the picture showed shopping carts blocking that exit instead? Would you have posted it also?
  5. If you look closely, the car is not blocking either door. The angle was apparently chosen to make it appear the car was blocking it, but it clearly is not.
  6. Actually, if you look at where the rear bumper is compared with the 'exit,' it looks like the door is not blocked at all.
  7. TP, We need the car#, and the time and date the picture was taken for it to have any meaning whatsoever.
  8. So you weren't there? You didn't take the picture yourself? How about taking some initiative YOURSELF and taking pictures of cop cars parked in areas that you or I wouldn't be allowed. IIRC, on grey Thursday, there were 4 cops parked on the sidewalk at that same store. Should they have been towed for parking illegally? If the OP can post stupid stuff, we all can post stupid stuff. That seems to be how Pubby want's the site to go.
  9. You should have called the fire Marshall while the car was there to do something about it. Instead you waited around for it to be moved so you could take the second picture. Even so, we still can't read the sign on the 'exit.' Also, you didn't get the car number so the offender could be ID'd. Ironically, IIRC, that 'exit' is often blocked on the inside by plants on sale..
  10. If someone really believes CO2 is killing the planet, they need to at least go one hour without adding any more to the atmosphere. If they can't do at least that, maybe they can review the science and find out that the planet is cooler than it was 10 years ago and the Antarctic sea ice set a number of records for total acreage over the last year.
  11. They also need to sponsor well-advertised zero-carbon hours where the participants pledge to not create one molecule of CO2 for one hour each year.
  12. Then there's the whole age discrimination thing with the kids meals. I take my kid to a restaurant advertising free kids meals and am told she's too old for a free meal. Why should it matter that she's 18 and not 12 or under? She's still my kid so give me the free meal as advertised.
  13. Your demeanor does indeed speak for itself, but I fear it's saying something completely different than you think it is. You continually complain about the view people have of you. What you forget is our only view of you has been developed by reading what you write and how you respond to others. Also - I'm not the one hallucinating.
  14. If you read what he writes, you'll know it's nearly always about him. Ask him a direct question or point out something wrong with what he posted, he'll post a stupid answer that has nothing to do with the topic. You can see examples of both of these from him in this topic.
  15. Someone complained earlier that it took a week for a post card to get a few hundred miles. I ask - where else can you get that kind of service for 32 cents? Maybe they should do away with the subsidies and change the price of the stamps to be what it really costs to deliver that letter or postcard.
  16. If 0bama pulled in would he know how to pump his own gas?
  17. If you got that from what I asked, you need to put down the Drambuie and step away from the keyboard.
  18. Do you even understand those formulas? If so, you should be smart enough to understand there's more than one definition of the word WORK. If not, you are one of the people most confused about the definition of work.
  19. The Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union was simply sending a message to the other companies it deals with. They would rather loose the jobs than to bend to the company's requests.
  20. After reading the article, a better title would be Judge asks union to mediate with Hostess. Extra text was snipped for clarity, but does not change meaning.
  21. What about the person who's title starts with 'O' - Owner. The one who made the investment and has the most to lose?
  22. You're long winded reply can be shot down in one statement. PBS gets revenue from more than just tax dollars. If they were to dry up, PBS would still exist and Big Bird would still be a millionaire. Another false premise - the bright people in Rand's world didn't need government assistance.
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