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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. Again, speculation, but if the former tenant left them locked in a cabinet that was locked in a room what was locked in an office, that's 3 locks. If they notified the landlord they would be picked up in a few days, but the cleaning crew didn't get the word and broke the locks so they could do their jobs, who would be liable for the $$$$$?
  2. I guess some see serving as a $2.13/hour job. Others see it as an opportunity to earn much more than minimum wage by giving good service in the right restaurant.
  3. I know this is getting into some speculation, but it could factor in. Are there rules for transporting medical records in bulk? Can an office manager just toss the boxed records in the back of their car and carry them to another office or long term storage, or does the law require a licensed and bonded company be called to transport them?
  4. If the tenants had just moved out, another possible scenario is they left the records behind with every intention of going back to get them. They may have even communicated that to the landlord. In the meantime, the landlord hires someone to come clean out the offices to get them ready to lease again. Not knowing any better, the cleaners find the records and toss them like any other trash left behind. Still not good, but mistakes and miscommunication rather than intentional mishandling of the documents.
  5. The problem is too many people call off 'sick' when they aren't sick, forcing management to discourage sick calls altogether. Those who do call off often will have a real problem when they really are sick, and those who don't fake sickness feel obligated to come in when they are sick because calling off is discouraged.
  6. Your audience for something like the book club is probably everyone living within 15 minutes of your location. Those are the ones you really need to target. Any longer of a drive and it's an effort and expense to get there. When you moved your meeting to 5:15 on a weekday, you put it in the middle of rush hour, thereby making your target smaller. You also exclude anyone who has to commute or isn't normally home before 5:00. Those with small children in the house, or cooking/chores that need done in the early evening won't be able to make that time either. You MIGHT get a better tur
  7. Now you're getting it. The AGW warmistsand their sheeple have been demanding that anyone who does not agree with them to shut up. In the end, world will find out that the AGW warmists have no clothes.
  8. The best part of this discussion is seeing the resident liberals totally discount a knowledgeable person because he happens to belong to an organization that received a $25,000 donation while they totally ignore the fact that Socialist George Soros has been giving NPR millions of dollars.
  9. I guess you can't refute the science, so you continue with the name calling.
  10. They can't refute the science, so they call the person a kook. Of course, it's OK to ignore all the emails released showing the warmists were conspiring together to ignore or hide data that doesn't agree with their predictions.
  11. Deal with the science and only the science. How much water can a liter of air hold at 0 degrees C? Now, explain how will GW change that to produce worse blizzards.
  12. And the Grand Canyon is just a big hole in the ground.
  13. This isn't about if AGW is real or not, it's about the false statements being made about gw causing more and bigger blizzards. You refuse to address the scientific article I posted totally debunking the idea that 'global warming' will cause more blizzards. Can you prove the scientists have been paid off, or are you incapable of understanding the science? It's a long established fact that a given volume of air can only hold a given amount of water. That doesn't change. If the air gets warmer, it holds more water, but if it gets warmer, it's impossible to have snow. (Unless you want to
  14. What happens when one side is trying to rewrite the laws of physics and has the gullible press on their side, doing everything they can to quash anyone who speaks against them? In the case of your example, the warmists are the nazis, doing everything to quash anyone who dares speak against them. Now, without resorting to dramatics, please address specifics in the article I posted. Prove the science wrong using science, not long winded blather.
  15. If y'all want to see how far the warmists are stretching when they say AGW is causing blizzards, take a look at this article. It's been long known how much water the atmosphere can hold at any given temperature, and agw doesn't change that no matter how much the warmists want to believe differently. Whac-a-moling Seth Borenstein at AP over his erroneous extreme weather claims
  16. And jealousy of those who have made something of themselves.
  17. I guess my question is at what point do the police decide they're not dealing with a person who is drunk/stoned or just plain belligerent? How do they determine they're dealing with someone who has a mental handicap of one sort or another if there's nobody with the person to tell them? I know in some cases appearance might be a clue, but not always.
  18. What constitutes an attempted abduction? Did the man get out of the truck and try to chase the boy down, or did he just roll down his window to ask a question? The answer in this case is probably somewhere in between, but it would be nice to have a few more specifics.
  19. The way the article is written, you don't find out what's really going on until near the end: In Europe, 211 is the equivalent of our 911. Some cell phone providers in the US automatically send 211 calls to 911. People are calling 211 as a test to see if it will really connect them with someone who can tell them if they are being pulled over by a real cop. They have no idea that they are actually being transferred to 911 until the call is answered. The posting probably started in Europe where it's a legitimate set of instructions.
  20. Not defending, just providing information. Why are you continuing to attack?
  21. They still have to go through thorough inspections by the US Coast Guard and the CDC. In fact, the Splendor had just passed a thorough inspection by the Coast Guard right before leaving on the cruise where they had the engine room fire. One of the cruise lines flagged some of their vessels out of the United States for a few years, but found it economically impossible to meet all of the regulations and additional taxes the government placed on them.
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