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Everything posted by markdavd

  1. I agree, and mostly ignored them after the first day. Just my opinion, but I think the problem was that there wasn't just one topic, but 3 or 4 at the same time. If they had all been rolled into one multi-question poll rather than one topic per category, they wouldn't have caught the flack they did.
  2. It might be a great idea. Just make sure you consider the time, effort and especially vehicle expense that will be required to do this. There will probably be many times you drive out somewhere only to find you're too late to get the item.
  3. I agree. The problem with changing fields is many companies are now requiring 2-3 years experience in what used to be entry level positions. I assume this is because the high unemployment rates means those folks with 2-3 years experience are looking too.
  4. When McDonalds remodels, they start from scratch.
  5. No, it's not George Bush - it's all the women's fault!
  6. You can buy as much as you want if you pay cash. It's most likely the different credit/debit card processing agencies that are determining what the pre-approval limits are - which means it's out of the stations hands. If you want more gas, when it cuts you off just swipe your card again.
  7. I've been looking for 2 months. -- My son lost his job 20 months or so ago. He went to school and graduated and got licensed as a therapeutic massage therapist (LMT). Since then, the backlog of potential employers the school claimed were looking for LMTs seem to have disappeared, so he's still looking. All that to say if you want to go back to school, fine. Just don't take the school's word for the demand for the profession you're training for. Do your own detailed research.
  8. I read that it's costing the airlines $200,000,000.00 per day in revenue.
  9. There was never a vote on whether or not to build an airport. The only vote was for the county to pay for it or not. The people of the county didn't want to pay for it, so the FAA stepped in and provided the majority of the funds.
  10. http://paulding.com/forum/uploads/monthly_04_2010/post-1636-127127811221_thumb.jpg
  11. It's scary the number that voted on the issue that had no idea what they were really voting on.
  12. From that article: "A 21 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements to physicians went into effect April 1"
  13. Good way to deflect the question. I guarantee they're already getting the bulk discount. If a drug costs $50.00 at the BULK discount price, and medicare only pays $40.00, how do they make it up in volume?
  14. If the drug costs them $50.00 and the medicare only pays $40.00, how long can they stay in business? With ins. companies, they can negotiate prices. With medicare, the government dictates how much they will pay.
  15. If medicare doesn't cover their costs, why should they accept it?
  16. According to the news reports, the movie is pretty much a done deal.
  17. I predict the last episode, we'll see Jack get killed. The next scene, we'll see him wake up with a start and Teri (his wife from first season) will be next to him, asking if he had another of those bad nightmares. Then we'll find out he has a really boring real-life job. The 24 movie they're talking filming about will just be another of his nightmares.
  18. No problem. BTW - I look forward to finally meeting you face to face at the Career Crossroads on the 20th.
  19. I recorded it on my DVR, but I'm not setup to copy to dvd. If you want, I can try to get it onto old fashioned video tape and you can take it from there.
  20. It looks like he's getting off without any real penalty: Qatari Diplomat To Be Sent Home, Official Says
  21. I wonder what the FAA and Federal Government would say about this idea.
  22. Just because they get a drivers license doesn't mean they will carry insurance.
  23. You ask an ambiguous question - "mtg" could mean any number of things. Even when I pointed that out, you didn't bother to take the time to clarify, then less than 2 hours later you claim no help!!! If you want help, provide details and you'll get it. Don't expect us to read your mind.
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