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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. Are you scared to miss a call?? LOL, Im the same way, I try to always keep mine on me!
  2. Im looking for a pool table and a black leather couch/loveseat for a friends game room. I saw a thread not too terribly long ago for a pool table for sale and wondered if anyone remembered it or knows of anyone selling either of these items? Thanks in advance!
  3. I voted tv, I can watch anything or find out anything I need to on the computer, and you always need a phone.
  4. Im gonna start walking too, Im gonna wait a bit though, Im too tired to start now
  5. Thats really generous of you! You should come up with something that cant be googled
  6. Hey! Good! His day was awesome, he had a great time, I was so happy!!
  7. Its probably a rat snake, were there any birds in the house?
  8. Wish me luck I dont have a break down at the school
  9. You can buy some stuff called Diatomaceous Earth and its suppose to work great. I used it a couple of times but didnt like how it made my animals feel. There is another member on there that swears by it and I cant think of her screen name. I bought mine at Elrods nursery. Read about it on the web site and give it a try. I found this thread talking about it as well. http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?sh...tomaceous+earth Good luck, I know how awful a flea infestation is!
  10. Look, I was making fun of your Rools and I cant spell Hawaiian myself
  11. That sounds delicious!! I can promise there wouldnt be any left over crab when I got done
  12. Im gonna need more pictures to make up my mind how sweet he is
  13. I know how you feel, I hope they see her, I remember my 4 year old stuck any and everything in every orifice he had
  14. We have had West Metro's sausage and liked it!!
  15. Are you familiar with photobucket? This is the easiest way Ive found. Go to photobucket.com, sign up if you dont have an account. You will see a tab that says choose files, click on it and a window will pop up to let you select what file on your pc to choose from. Select ok, it will appear and click the black tab that says return to album. Take your cursor to the pic, below it will be a drop down, highlight the second option, the direct link code, "copy" the code, come on p.com and click on the tab with a picture on it (second on the right from the smiley icon) and click that, put your cursor
  16. Wow, that doesnt seem possible Man how time flies!
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