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Everything posted by GaLinemansWife

  1. People suck. I would tell them I had an officer I was friends with that was just down the street, let me call them and Im sure he would be happy to escort them to the gas station.
  2. Its hard for me to wrap my brain around that!
  3. Do 40's come in a 12 pack now? Man I picked the wrong time to get pregnant Sorry, trying to lighten the mood
  4. Are you serious? Ive always heard of her but had no clue that was her! Thanks!
  5. Hell let em be surprised Seriously, dont take any chances, go out this weekend and get a pistol if you dont have one!
  6. Get a gun and keep it within reach in the office.
  7. I would seriously call the police! Without disclosing too much, what type business is it?
  8. How cute! I love the cat too! I had green and orange curtains with that little girl on it that you are standing in front of , anyone know what that print is called?
  9. How dare you????? See, I dont understand why they sell crap like that, are there some hard a$$' (no pun intended) That have a point to prove by using that thin cardboard stuff?
  10. Lemme come to your house and Im sure Ill find something else I want
  11. Aww, everyone loves a good deal
  12. Dang you must've been considering it to read the label, LOL Sadie: Yep, I was gonna order the pork brains but did you see what it does to your arteries??? No thanks. Ill have the roasted crickets with eggs and a side of the reindeer pate, and what the heck, Im not driving, give me one of those bird nest drinks. :lol: I hear your monster pet loves those pork brains.
  13. Come on guys, thats a great deal on that grill and computer! Go give it a look!
  14. No, A will be home and we are going to my ultrasound after we drop him off! Ill be okay Monday
  15. Well I said that cause I think they are big and beautiful!
  16. They are too much upkeep for me.
  17. Im on ebay now trying to find a good deal on those fish mouths and lamb tongues. Man Im hungry
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