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Everything posted by bat0702

  1. Glad A had nothing serious. Doc told me I have Rocky Mountain Spotted fever. We took C to have his blood tested yesterday. Needless, to say I am freaking out!!!
  2. Yeah, they did blood work on me. Tested for Lymes, Rocky Mountain, and West Nile. Neg. on everything except that my Eosinophils were really high, which means an allergic reaction, but to what???????????? Hope ya'll get an answer to what A's is.
  3. I have been fighting a rash for three weeks now. I have been on steriods for a week but I still have the rash. NOWWW, last night my 9 yr. old comes down with the same rash. Mine is mostly on my arms, his is on his back and arms. What is up with the rashes?????????? My doctor said it is an allergic reaction but we don't know what. My son and I are both seeing doctors today!!!!!!!! Make it go away!!!
  4. Ditto ! Wish I could help the hurt!!!
  5. Awww, Melinda I am sorry to hear this. You have been a great friend. I wish you and your hubby the best!!!!
  6. My husband and I learned of this yesterday. So sad!!!! Steve has been a friend of ours for along time. We just can't believe this has happen!!!!!
  7. Stanley is the man!! He has done aleast 4 of ours cars. He has always done a great job. If you ever have a problem with it, he is always eager to fix it.
  8. Oh no, ya'll food was so great. My kids will really miss ya'll!!! You were so wonderful to us when we came to eat there!!!
  9. bat0702


    Mostly on one hand and then up that arm. Now I have some on the neck, face, both upper arms. None around my waist or where my bra is. My right hand is the worst.
  10. bat0702


    From what I have read you don't normally get scabies on the neck and face. I am now starting to have it both places. Oh well, going to see Doc this evening. All I know is whatever this is, it is driving me crazy!!!
  11. bat0702


    Okay, that just sounds nasty.
  12. bat0702


    That's what I am scared of!!!
  13. bat0702


    I have been taking benadryl and using benadryl gel on my skin. But I am getting worse. I guess it is time to see the Doc.
  14. bat0702


    I am almost postive that I have hives. I thought it was poision ivy but I have had them for weeks and it is getting worse. Anyone had these??? How do I get rid of them???
  15. Can find it. which portal do I go to???
  16. Yes, my mother just asked me what I want for my birthday and I said "Not to have a birthday" Enuf already!!!!!!!!!
  17. I did have enough for all of paulding county (I may have exaggerated a little bit) until you and your wonderful hubby came over!!! I still have some I would love to have gone.
  18. If you want to come dig it up, I have plenty you can have too.
  19. Just give me a shout anytime. I don't know much but I am glad to show ya what I know. My neighbor has been sewing for 14 years and she is slowly teaching me all her tricks. I did follow a pattern to make these cute little bears but I am scared if trying to figure out clothes patterns!!!! Most machines are really easy to figure out. Mine is a sewing and embroidery machine. I am good at learning from my mistakes.
  20. Atlanta Sewing Center does lessons. They are over past Town Center Mall on Barrett Pkwy. Very nice ladies. If you just need to learn the basics (like how to work your machine, etc....) I would be glad to show you. I don't know how to follow patterns though if that's what you are wanting to learn. I would like to learn how to follow patterns myself!!!
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