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Everything posted by GeorgiaTornado

  1. Yep.. I know. I was working in the DOT office when this project was being designed. They have really stepped up patrols on this road...especially around the school.
  2. The actual name is Windy Mac Connector from Macland Road to Windy Hill Road. So yes it does connect...and obey the speed limit.
  3. I've had a great day. Up until right before Christmas I'll be working full-time. I am thankful for this Oh, and I have extra pecans to sell..
  4. I know that I saw some of the residents on the news saying that they had even climbed into the dumpster with her sister-in-law searching for her. That sounds fishy to me
  5. Thanks Millcreek!!! I saw on the website that you handled it. I got her number and will give her a call tomorrow. I am going to give them some time to answer the email and get back with me. I really do appreciate it. I love doing this every year!!!
  6. My church is looking for a family to sponsor for the Christmas holidays. We want to take care of them completely. Presents/toys, food and clothing if needed.
  7. This is so sad. They found this little girl in the dumpster in her Apt. complex...did they NOT search that days ago? if they did...then this means she was just put there?
  8. I have some questions and I sent an email...but I was wondering if anyone here works for or volunteers at Shepherd's Rest Ministries. TIA
  9. I was so pissed off at the post office on Saturday in D'ville that I vow I'll not ship another thing through the mail. I have family who work for FedEx and I'll gladly pay more money. Hell at least they will be OPEN on Saturday and have a way for me to ship stuff. I went to the post office to mail a single envelop (flat not folded) and they was closed. The women standing in there saying "We closed, We closed" I didn't have any stamps and was going to just buy some from the vending machine and just put 3-4 stamps on it and send it on it's way..... Well they don't have a damn machine. None
  10. I made the red wine version this weekend... and I still have some left along with the fruit... I will be making Sangria Smoothies tonight!~
  11. I am a PROUD LSU fan. I was born and raised in Louisiana. I am surrounded by UGA fans. NONE went to UGA but are the typical UGA fans. My DBF and his family are HUGE UGA fans... I heard MORE crap from them during the first quarter...Dawg fans sending me text messages and messages on Facebook....but it's all good... I got the last laugh.
  12. Mine is getting a Citizen Eco-drive watch. The one with the big face. He already has one Eco-drive watch...and loves it but it's to dressy for him to wear to work.. so he wants one that (to me) lookes even dressy-er
  13. I usually buy my wine about a day or 2 earlier and put the wine in the freezer for a couple of hours then stick it in the fridge and get it cold. Then I make my Sangria and put in all the fruit and let it marinade overnight. The next day before the event I will put LOTS of ice in it. Something new to try is this... I take the Sangria, Ice, and some of the fruit and put it in a Majic Bullet and make a Sangria Smoothie/Slushie/Margarita of sorts. Oh lawd it's good...
  14. I am with Ocwen and I did a home loan modification when I was placed on PT. I had an ARM and they fixed it and combined my taxes and insurance into the payment and fixed it for 5 yrs. Then it will re-adjust to a perm. rate not much higher than it is now. I've had good luck. Others have not. Especially with BOA or Wells Fargo and some of the other big mega banks.
  15. The good thing about Sangria is you can use very inexpensive red or white wine. I usually add 1 or 2 cans of gingerale to mine also.
  16. For the Fruity one that we have during the summer or we take to the UGA games to tailgate I use something along this line http://wine.about.com/od/whitewines/r/Fruitysangria.htm http://wine.about.com/od/redwinesangriarecipes/r/berrysangria.htm But with a straight red wine I use http://allrecipes.com/recipe/classic-spanish-sangria/ These are the exact recipes I use. I will add more fruit and maybe more liquor than they say....
  17. Love it!!! I'll see if I can find my recipes that I use.
  18. Not only the overhead for the places accepting the CS but what about the full-time employees that work for Nonprofits? Once the Nonprofit sees that it has x amount of free labor each week they will begin to layoff their full or part time employees.
  19. http://www.madeinusa.org/ here is another good source
  20. I need some help with adobe acrobat x. This isn't just the reader. I have 139 files in one PDF and I know how to extract them out into individual files. I just need to know how to extract them out and make them rename them. The reason I'm asking is I have over 800 PDF's that have to be extracted and renamed with our job names XXXXXXX_0001.PDF then XXXXXXX_0002.PDF then so on..and so on. If I could just get them to rename to 0001-0800 I would be fine with everything else. anybody?
  21. Congrats GGR!! I'm excited for you. My brother and his wife had their daughters 16 years apart.
  22. When I was working FT...I usually get 20 vacation days a year and all major holidays plus 1 floating day that can be used anytime. They all start back over Jan. 1. At the end of Nov we can sell back up to 80 hrs of PTO and get it right before Christmas. Now I get half of that... plus only 4 hrs for every holiday instead of 8.
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