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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. DING-DING-DING WE HAVE A WINNER!! I do not buy that the location is the problem. People will do what they have to to attend an event they want to. The Braves and Falcons are in the same general location and they don't have a problem selling tickets. Even when the teams are losing they aren't selling out but they still have a large and loud fan base. And the OP is right - their fans would be in a complete uproar if the MLB or NFL tried to move either team out of the City. I also determine the fan base of a team by the number of requests for their merchandise and the amount of merchandi
  2. GREAT PHOTOS!! :)Thanks for sharing.
  3. SORRY! I assumedwhen I said he needed to see a urologist that was right. For YEARS (like 20) I was treated for my kidney disease by an urologist. Not until I moved to GA did I start seeing a nephrologist and it has always been my understanding that they treated diseases of the kidney. We're never too old to learn.
  4. THANK YOU!! I haven't even heard of this until there was a commercial on TV last night. I will definitely be trying it - I LOVE anything with cream cheese.
  5. I guess no one else has had this happen so I guess I'll just have to post the huge photos.
  6. URRRRGGGGGGG........I am sure this has to do with the insurance? We now have a plan where a referral is not necessary to go to a specialist. But, in the past our insurance plan required ALL referrals go through the PCP. One specialist could not refer to another specialist. Maybe your insurance company can give you guidance on how to handle it and who he needs to see/who needs to make the referral. Do you have a nurse line? They mightbe more helpful than Customer Service.
  7. I saw this report tonight and one of the employers interviewed made a good point. His first thought is "WHY has no one else hired you in all this time" and isn't interested in pursuing those who have been unemployed for long periods of time. He said IF they were that good someone else would have snatched them up already.
  8. No, I have not heard of it but I would think since the GI doctor is not familiar with it your son needs to go to an urologist aka kidney doctor. I HIGHLY recommend Georgia Kidney Associates in Marietta. I have been seeing them since 1996 and all the doctors there are great!! They have treated me for my kidney disease and seen me through my kidney transplant. Good Luck.
  9. Yeah that is what I do but the photos are HUGE when posted so I was hoping to be able to make them smaller prior to copying. I just don't know why it works for the first photo and not the next ones. Thanks.
  10. This is the 2nd time I've had this happen. I download photos to Photobucket to post on p.com. The first photo I place the browser over it gives me the option to "edit" and I can resize. Then I go to do another photo and the only options I am given are: share/delete/move?? How do I edit the photos to be smaller when I'm not given the option to edit/resize? TIA for any and all guidance.
  11. That was going to be my question. And, before giving it much more consideration I suggest you do some research on job availability once you have it. One reason many schools are not offering the LPN program is many medical facilities do not use them - or at least not the numbers they used to. Many have gone to employing either RN's or Nursing Techs and doing away with LPN's. GOOD LUCK with whichever direction you go.
  12. All through HS (9th-12th) I was a majorette (something I wanted to do since I was 3) and loved every minute of it. I met my HS Sweetheart the summer before the 7th grade and we were a couple until my Freshman year in College. Or at least we were a couple the majority of the time - we were always breaking up because he was quite the ladies man - but I loved him Dearly and always took him back. Growing up in a small rural town I had a close knit circle of friends that I had known all my life, had been in scouts and dance class together, sat in church services passing notes back and forth, etc. O
  13. I saw this on the news last night - Brenda was completely enamored with his effort. SO COOL - They can show their children and Grandchildren one day!
  14. I wasn't in the CP Kings group but several of us have been talking about getting a bunch together for karaoke. But so far that's all we've done - talk. I think it would be a BLAST!!
  15. YES there is. When DS was born at 31 weeks by emergency C-section the first thing I saw when I woke up in ICU was a polaroid picture of him. My initial thought was "that is the most BEAUTIFUL ugliest thing I've ever seen." Weighing only 3 lbs and being 15 inches long he literally was bright red skin stretched yet baggy over a bony frame. He really was not a pretty baby but that QUICKLY changed - and just look at him now.
  16. It certainly will be interesting without her. Hummmmm?????
  17. I'm going to have to try it with beef broth.
  18. DANG - Guess we missed a good one???? We were watching Hawaii Five-0 and I forgot to record. Castle. BUMMER!
  19. You are going to get all sorts of info and most of it will be conflicting so GOOD LUCK!! IMO the most important part of a good tender roast is the cut. The BEST roast to cook - in the over or crockpot is a chuck roast. You want one with lots of marbling. I always season the roast with lemon pepper and garlic salt then put the veggies (potatoes, carrots and onions) on top and cover with a Large can of Cream of Mushroom soup. Generic/Store Brand works just fine. (sometimes I'll add a packet of dry onion soup mix and some milk for a different taste) I let it cook on low for several hours - a
  20. If you get a Judgment in Small Claims you can have it put on their Credit Reports. That might give them incentive to pay you to get it off their credit. I am sorry you had to learn this lesson about your friend. GOOD LUCK.
  21. NASCAR HATS - Way BELOW Wholesale Cost at ONLY $7.00 Each! You can't even buy a Licensed NASCAR hat at the Marts for less than $12.97! Get 'em while they last! First Come First Serve.
  22. That was my first thought, too.
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