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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. Call me ignorant but I didn't know this. Learn something new every day!
  2. Hoping to get by there Saturday - IF I can hitch a ride. Gonna be a great day with great weather!!
  3. TOO FUNNY!!!! Gotta LOVE our furbabies!! Reminds me of my daughters HS graduation in 1999. We had about 25 people at the house from S. Georgia, AL and here in the Atlanta area. After graduation at 11AM we all went to The Cheesecake Factory to celebrate and then to the house. I had left her sheet graduation cake in the box in our closet - sitting on top of the shoe rack. I hadn't given it any thought while we all sat in the den visiting. I noticed Snickers (my now 12 yr old dachshund) kept going in and out of our bedroom. I went to get the cake and he had lifted the top of the cake box and
  4. I am placing an order this week for items that will be GREAT for gift giving for the ALABAMA, AUBURN or GEORGIA Fan. I have been amazed at the number I have orders from after posting on FB for just a few hours!! Both are GREAT items at GREAT prices!!! Never too early to get gifts purchased and that hard to buy for person taken care of. Please let me know if you want to place an order. TIA. This glitter design team logo compact mirror slides perfectly in to your purse pocket and opens up to mirrors on both sides. Perfect for stuffing the stocking or for a co-worker. ONLY $6.00.
  5. :rofl: :rofl: I can SOOOOOO relate. Our Doxies are beyond spoiled. No one has ever told them they are dogs and they've never asked so they don't know. Shhhhhhhhh They just think the two-legged children without fur are the strange looking ones. Not only are the Doxies spoiled, so is the Cat! She will ONLY eat Fancy Feast Filet Mignon in the bag (dry) and ONLY eat Friskies SHREDDED canned with a preference Turkey & Cheese. You put anything else in her bowls and she looks at you as tho you have lost your mind.....literally. That is all DH's fault, too!!
  6. Today is the first time in a long time I bought a Sunday paper and there were no classified ads in it. Have they done away with that section?? Looks odd and I know it might be a silly question, but???? TIA.
  7. DH made hamburger steaks topped with grilled onions and cheese, fried taters, baked beans and Texas garlic toast. I baked a devil's food chocolate cake yesterday with homemade cream cheese frosting and topped with chocolate and butterscotch chip slivers. So that was dessert. P.S. I made the crock pot chicken & dumplins one time. Threw them out - they were awful. We prefer the light, fluffy dumplins I've been cookining on top of the stove for 30 yrs. (And before anyone gets cute with a snide remark - no the same dumplins have not been on the stove for 30 years. :lol
  8. It wasn't me but MB is my favorite place on the planet!!! How was the Giant Crab Seafood Buffet? It's been years since we've eaten there. The buffet we go to every year was not up to par in July so next trip we'll be trying something different. Oh, and if it HAD been me - I woulda honked and waved to my neighbor, too!
  9. Those are the ones who need not bring a bag much less dirty up a pillow case. Nothing going in it here!
  10. All of my family and friends have Verizon and they all have android or iphones. Those who have the iphone love it. I will find out the type phone DD has - she says it is a piece of crap. DH has the Droid Ally (I think it is) and it is just another appendage - he can't be without it. For me? My flip phone is just fine. My kids keep telling me I need to get a new phone. (I think they are embarrassed. ) But, I tell them I do not want a phone smarter than I am!! This one I can talk, text and take pics - I don't need anything more!!
  11. I saw a commercial this AM for the game being televised. :yahoo:
  12. After that defeat there is NO way I would re-enter politics - I would "catch a clue". How embarrassing!!!
  13. What a CUTIE. They certainly are GRAND!!!! And, as the old saying goes: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Your daughter is GORGEOUS!!
  14. Fo Shoure!!!! They are ALWAYS good and better than any where else but Friday night was even better than the typical best! (If that makes sense. )
  15. Don't ya know it?? I think it was more like 14 yards. GEEEZZZZZZZ. Chas did a great job, tho.
  16. The spaghetti sauce that's been cooking on the stove all day sure is smelling good. Gonna have DH bring home a Doc Greens salad and serve with fresh loaf bread. We usually have texas toast with spaghetti but I LOVE fresh loaf bread with it so gonna do something a bit different tonight. What about y'all????
  17. The ribeye I got Friday night was one of the BEST EVER!!! YUMMMMM. That is a great deal on the strip, too!
  18. I haven't seen her story but I did see a news segment about how ppl were doing that??? The news article is very vague and didn't give specific information.
  19. I DID!!!! I had no idea he was playing in the pros until I watched the Falcons/Eagles last night. I don't know him but am SO proud of him and for him! I agree with you, Surepip. It would have been good to have a local boy on the team - especially when he is so good at his position!!
  20. Moe's Taco Salad for me Beef Burrito for DH
  21. Many of you watched as I patiently waited for Saban to join our family. From his birth until we picked him up at 6 weeks old I posted weekly photos as I received them. He turned 8 months on the 13th and I was able to catch this great photo of him today. I think he had his picture taken SOOOOO many times when he first came here that he became camera shy. Now he runs when he hears the camera turn on. Anyway, he has grown into a BEAUTIFUL furbaby and is SOOOOO sweet. He is a Daddy's boy - he is CRAZY about his Daddy and vice versa. All our furbabies have taken up with me throughout the years s
  22. mom2dachs


    I didn't know WM had quit doing lay-a-way???
  23. Not sure about being an Oldie as I just read it a few days on FB. Worth a second read and definitely words of wisdom.
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