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Everything posted by mom2dachs

  1. A friend of DS is looking for a Siberian Husky and I thought I saw one posted on here that was needing a home. I found the post where the two dogs were reclaimed and one of those was a Husky but I thought there was another one?
  2. DH is doing something with center cut pork chops and we're gonna have Fettuccine Alfredo. I have no idea what else but I am enjoying him doing the cooking - he's a good cook!
  3. I am sorry - I am just now seeing this. They will be here Tuesday.
  4. Right back at ya!!! I LOVE Thursday's as much as most folks love Friday's - it is Doug's day off. Hope everyone has a GREAT DAY!!
  5. CONGRATS!!!! I have several places I buy from on FB. I can give their info if you wanna look them up.
  6. It was good - plus simple to cook and clean up! I get tired of the same ole same ole and this was something totally different that DH and I enjoyed. Good thing DS wasn't home for dinner.
  7. I have never tried these - I am showing my ignorance again. Where would I find them in the grocery store? This recipe sounds YUMMMMY and one I will be trying. TIA.
  8. That's an idea for something on a different day. Thanks.
  9. I have all of these ingredients and was wanting a recipe with the cabbage and sausage together - just in the mood for something different tonight so I googled and found this - sounds GOOD! Anyone cooked something like this before?? Gonna make a pan of Mexican cornbread and this: * 1 pound smoked kielbasa sausage, cut into 1/4 inch slices * 1 small head cabbage, chopped * 1 medium green pepper, chopped * 1 medium sweet onion, chopped * 2 medium potatoes, thinly sliced * 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce * 1 garlic clove, minced * salt and pepper to
  10. I haven't walked a mile in their shoes but I would not either. There also is NO WAY in hell I would go 31 days (even a week for that matter) without seeing my DGD's - at the very least talking to them. I would have answers and not accept all the excuses they were told. Cindy is in such DENIAL it is beyond feeling sad for her. Brain tumor, seizures, etc the cause???? :::shakingheadfeverishly:::
  11. Sorry I didn't mean to repeat what you had said. I missed your post initially.
  12. The Foundation is not yet set up. It takes a lot of work and time to get it set up. But, Dr. Phil has agreed when it is set up that he will donate the appearance fee to the foundation. The Anthony's will not receive any money or income from the Foundation. Dr. Phil has made it perfectly clear that he will NOT consider an interview with Casey either. On The Doctor's this AM Dr. Phil said even through the 3+ years this has been going on that George will tell Cindy something today for the first time. Then, Monday the show will show how they disagree with the verdict and how they would react I
  13. THANKS - I just thought I couldn't hear the shows without turning up the volume because of my OLD age. Like anything and everything else - there is a way to get around the laws. I am constantly giving the remote a workout but not to turn the volume down during commercials but to change the channel and miss them all together!
  14. DH drives by the house twice a day and we often drive past it during the week-ends. Seldom do we pass that he doesn't comment on it. For several weeks after it appeared to be completed there was no activity there. Just within the last couple of weeks has he seen a car or two there sporadically. We just always assumed maybe it got caught up in the economic bust and either the owners or builder ran out of money??? If anyone has the info on it I would be interested in knowing what is going on, too. WOW - not until this post did I realize the house has been there for 17 months. Time flies!
  15. What an odd combination of professions. I know it isn't funny but I couldn't help but chuckle when I read that sentence. What happens if someone dies on a Sat or Sun and the Coroner is on his week-end job?????
  16. THANKS!! So glad to finally know where they are located. I have heard so many great comments about BBB and I have never been. That location is convenient and I will definitely be checking it out SOON.
  17. Awwwww....How SWEET!!! THANKS for the awesome compliment. THANK YOU He had been looking forward to being there again and was working on his playlist. One song he was going to do - appropriate for 9/11 - was "American Christian". It used to be his label song that everyone looked forward to him performing at every show. Unfortunately he failed to check his schedule prior to accepting the PM invite.
  18. WELL SAID!!! Actually Saban was not only expected to win but to win a National Championship at Alabama after 3 possibly 4 years - but it happened in his 2nd season. I do not like UGA at all but honestly was hoping they would win today's game to get some of the pressure off Richt and the players. It would have been an added plus to see them beat Spurrier, too!
  19. No, he wasn't on the field but he obviously did not have his team prepared like Spurrier did. For quite awhile there has been a problem with Richt not having the team disciplined to where they do not play sloppy, have lack of focus, miss assignments, etc, etc. Again, it isn't a one game problem.
  20. the then IF that is the case then he IS responsible - the head coach is responsible for recruiting and for offering scholarships to but the BEST of the best on the field - not mediocre talent. Mark Richt isn't in trouble with his job because South Carolina beat him tonight. If you look at the last 10 yrs and the number of SEC Championships and the number of National Championships Richt has on his resume you will only find one SEC Championship game. His record over the last 28 games is 14-14. The NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP has been held by the SEC the last 4 consecutive years - without UGA bein
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